How was I to KNOW?
It was concert season in high school, and the music students were getting ready for the big choir extravaganza. The music teacher handed out all the information every student needed to know about rehearsals and times and responsibilities. She gave out copies a couple of times just to make sure everyone was without excuse and that everyone knew the details. The notes and the teacher's statements to the students made it clear, for example, when rehearsal was scheduled, and that it was absolutely, unequivocally mandatory.
So what happened on the day of rehearsal? Well, one mother called in a panic, wondering what time her teenager was supposed to show up for practice. How was she to know? she wondered. Another called the teacher and said, "Oh, we're taking Tommy to Grandma's for the day. I'm sure it's okay if he misses rehearsal. right?" When the teacher kindly reminded the parent that practice had already started and that if the student didn't want to fail he'd better be there, she heard the mom say, "Well, why didn't somebody tell me? How was I to know?"
If this upset the music teacher, imagine how it must grieve God when we ignore His message to us in the Bible. What must He think when we live by our own rules, get ourselves in trouble because of our wrong choices, and then say, "How was I to know what God wanted?"
The Bible is God's note home to us, telling us exactly what He expects. It teaches us how to treat each other, how to behave in a godly way, and most important, how to glorify God by trusting Jesus as Saviour. - Dave Branon.
How much time have you spent this week studying God's "note" to you? What verse will you think about over the next 24 hours?
Article selected from “Our Daily Journey”.
This Week @ Detonate:
Hi friends, we are pleased to have Sister Mei Ling this Saturday to share with us God's Word again! Let us be ready with an open heart as we listen to God's message. Have a fruitful week ahead! =)See you at 5:00pm in church!