Joy Over One
Many Christians have succumbed to the false notion that their witness to one individual doesn't count for much. But that certainly isn't supported by what we read in the Gospels. Even though Jesus' public ministry was limited to a little more than 3 years, He was never "too big" to deal with one person at a time.
It's true that Jesus preached to multitudes in Judea, fed 5,000 people gathered by the Sea of Galilee, and ministered to the crowds in Capernaum. Yet, He never lost sight of the value of one soul!
How encouraging to read of His conversation at night with an individual named Nicodemus (John 3); of His visit with one woman at the well of Samaria (John 4); and of His personal interest in one little man Zaccheus, who was sitting up in a sycamore tree (Luke 19). How thrilled he must have been when Jesus singled him out of the multitude and said, "Zaccheus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house" (v5)
If you are ever tempted to minimize the value of your personal, individual witness to a single soul, remember Jesus' example. The Bible says there is joy in heaven over one sinner who repents! - RWD
The One who made the heavens,
Who died on Calvary,
Rejoices with His angels
When one soul is set free. -Fasick
Article selected from “Our Daily Bread”.
This Week @ Detonate:
As 3:16 come to a closed, we are grateful to God for such a successful event. As we continue to give thanks to God, let's invite our new friends to this welcoming party this saturday. Let's continue to receive them with love and acceptance. See you at 4.45pm!
1) Celebrate Christmas In Singapore - Come show your support for our Youth Worship Team as they perform at Orchard Road twice per day from 7.30pm - 8.00pm and 9.00pm - 9.30pm. Location will be at TANGS and infront of WISMA on 20 Dec (Sun) and 22 Dec (Tues) respectively.
2) Detonate Weekend Mission Trip to Batam - Detonate Youth Ministry is organizing a 2 days 1 night mission trip to Batam on the 23rd (Sat) & 24th (Sun) Jan 2010. This is a good opportunity for us to expose to overseas missions work and to experience what is it like to minister to the needy. We will be ministering to the people during the Indonesian services and giving away our used toys and clothes to the locals.
If you are interested, please submit your particulars via email to Brother Amos before the closing date, 26th Dec 2009