Love by Forgiveness
But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
– Matthew 6:15
In Mark 11:26, Jesus was not teaching that believers can earn God’s forgiveness by forgiving others; for this would be contrary to God’s free grace and mercy. However, if we have truly experienced God’s forgiveness, then we will have a readiness to forgive others (Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13). Our Lord illustrated this principle in the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Matthew 18:21–35).
Unforgiveness can cause us an inability to love God and bitterness which will block the blessings from God. If we fail to forgive, we break the commandments of loving God. Besides that, it retains the sins of our past, bringing them into our present state and if left untreated, they will affect our future and relationship with others. This causes us to stray from the Lord and alienates us from the body of Christ which causes division in the body of Christ. Worse of all, this gives satan an advantage to create havoc in our lives.
Forgiveness is surrendering our right to have justice done for the hurt that others may cause us. We must understand that forgiveness is an activity of the will and we cannot wait for a “right feeling” before we forgive.
So now, if there is anyone who has done you wrong or even hurt you in the past, don't wait any longer. Start praying for them by asking God to help you to forgive that person. Pray that you will treat them nicely with love and respect. If you happen to see that person again, do remember to show your love by actions.
What are you waiting for? If you miss this chance, you may not have the desire to pray for that person again. If we say that we love God, then let's do what God wants us to do. Amen?
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
– Romans 12:21
Selected – The Bible Exposition Commentary and
This Week @ Detonate:
Hello Detonate! We will be having our 3:16 service this Saturday at 4.45pm! There will be a briefing, workstations and prayer for ourselves and the event on 12 Dec 09. See you!
Prayers and Fasting from the Body:
This day, 12 Oct 2009 at 00:00 am, as we deny ourselves and fast till the end, a 3:16 movement, we gonna get down to our knees to pray for the people that we will be inviting for the 3:16 event on 12 Dec 2009 at 06:30 pm. We gonna trust and believe God to open the hearts of those in our generation to recognise God in their lives! Let us encourage each other along the way. Amen!
Fast a day keeps the devil away. Fast a day save your friend today. Fast a day keeps you awake.