Supernatural Forgiveness
The brother of a young man who was murdered finally faced the killer in court nearly a decade after the crime. His voice trembling, he said, "Where my brother is today, he can probably forgive. But I can't."
Understandably, victims of mistreatment and injustice find it difficult to forgive - even to say the words that can begin to heal the deep wound and ease the pain that remains in the heart. To forgive is not our immediate natural response. As a result, families live alienated from each other because of long-ago hurts. Long-simmering feuds erupt into violence.
But think about what Jesus said on the cross. He had healed the sick, fed the hungry, and taught the wandering. Now, even though He was innocent, He was humiliated, mocked, and beaten. In the darkness of that moment, no one could expect His parched lips to say, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do" (Luke 23:34). But they were the first words He spoke from the cross. Imagine their impact on the people who heard them! Jesus expressed neither anger nor hatred, but the most loving words a person can bestow - words of forgiveness.
O God, help us to be like Your Son in forgiving others when we are mistreated. - JDB
Our sins, O Christ, You've borne away -
Because You died, today we live;
To know such love, what can we say!
O Jesus, help us to forgive. - DJD
To return good for good is natural; To return good for evil is supernatural.
Article selected from “Our Daily Bread”.
This Week @ Detonate:
Is Good Friday just another holidays??? Is Easter Sunday another day to receive a gift... like an egg??? What is so significant about these 2 days???
Where mercy meets you!
Date: Saturday, April 3, 2010
Time: 5:00pm - 8:30pm
Location: 44 Hoot Kiam Road - Level 2
Come to find out more for yourself and join us for a great time in knowing more friends and a time filled with knowledge, joy and love! =)See you at 5:00pm in church!
R3D (Returns 3 Days Later) is a Detonate Youth Easter Outreach on 3rd April. It is time again for us to invite our friends and family members to this evangelistic service! Let's continue to pray for them to response to our invitations, that they will know the amazing love of God. Where mercy meets you!