Isn't there anything else?
A prominent Christian leader was known for his willingness to help needy individuals with their social and financial problems. When asked why he took time out of his busy schedule to do this, he replied, "When I was a boy, I worked in our family grocery store. I was taught that I should never ask a customer, 'Is that all?' Instead, I was told to say, 'Isn't there anything else?' I have carried this philosophy over into my Christian work."
That man was filled with so much love for others that he wanted them to develop in all areas of their lives.
In Romans 16, the apostle Paul commended many in the church who were like this man. He singled out Priscilla, Aquila, Mary, Persis, and several others who had labored for the Lord with willing hands and loving hearts. They were not content to give minimal service but were always busy ministering to the needs of fellow believers.
When we have experienced the matchless grace of God, our hearts should be filled with compassion for our brothers and sisters in Christ. By extending to them a helping hand and assisting them in whatever way possible, we're actually saying, "God has given me much. Isn't there anything else I can do for you?" - HGB
Beautiful lives have they who bear
The burdens of those heavy laden with care;
Earnest are they who daily show
Compassionate service wherever they go. - Anon.
Article selected from “Our Daily Bread”.
This Week @ Detonate:
Hello people. Come and join us this saturday at 4.45pm. We will be having Pastor Alfred who will be sharing with us the vision for Detonate youth ministry for the year 2010. Let's prepare ourselves for the challenges that lies ahead.
Detonate Weekend Mission Trip to Batam - Detonate Youth Ministry is organizing a 2 days 1 night mission trip to Batam on the 23rd (Sat) & 24th (Sun) Jan 2010. This is a good opportunity for us to expose to overseas missions work and to experience what is it like to minister to the needy. We will be ministering to the people during the Indonesian services and giving away our used toys and clothes to the locals.
There will be a mission briefing this sat after youth service for all who have signed up. Besides that, kindly take note that you are required to make a cash payment of SG$75.00 during the briefing. Thank you and see you there.