Honest to God
There are some who say, 'I see the need to have a faith that is set on fire, but I cannot claim that my life is on fire for God. I still need some more help in order to draw close to this Christ of burning, cleansing flame. How do I go about it?'
Here are my suggestions. First, be abslutely honest with yourself. Begin by facing up to the question of whether or not you have actually experienced Jesus Christ as the Giver of life and the Forgiver of your sins. It may be that you have been drawn to the Christian faith but are not consumed by it, that Christ has never been admitted into your life. Maybe you are religious but have never had a personal encounter with Jesus. If this is the case, I urge you, as soon as you have finished today's reading, to bow your head wherever you are and invite Christ into your life as your Lord and Saviour.
On the other hand, you may be a committed disciple of Christ but with no discipline or drive in your spirit. 'The Church is full of people,' observed one teacher, 'whose commitment is safe and limited.' Honesty may compel you to confess that your discipleship is a million miles away from the daring and wholehearted discipleship of the first-century Christians who were unreservedly obedient to Jesus Christ and who could say with Paul, 'Nor do I count my life dear to myself' (Acts 20:24, NKJV). Take a moment now honestly to appraise your spiritual life and ask, 'Is my life more like a dull habit or acute fever?'
O Father, help me to be honest. There are fears within me that cause me to draw back, but deep down I want to be truly Yours. I know You want to draw closer to me; help me to draw closer to You. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Article selected from “Every Day with Jesus”.
This Week @ Detonate:
Hello fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. We are having a real special speaker this Saturday at 5pm. He is all fired up and geared up to deliver the amazing message of God to us. So let's not miss this weekend. See you there!