Fear and Great Joy
Mary and the women who went with her to visit Jesus' burial site were not expecting the reception they got at the tomb. They had come at dawn to put spices on their Friend's body - not knowing how they would get into the tomb. But as they came near the grave, they were startled to see that the huge stone had been rolled away from the opening. Even more incredibly, they saw an angel sitting on it.
It's no wonder that they felt a sense of awe and fear. But they also felt great joy after the angel invited them to look inside the empty tomb, and then he told them to go and tell the other disciples that Jesus had risen.
Nearly 2,000 years after that initial proclamation, we who are Jesus' followers also have mixed emotions about sharing such good news. We feel great joy that Jesus is alive, but we also feel uneasy telling other people about Him. The women felt a sense of awe from seeing and hearing an angel by an open grave, but our fear is different. We fear what people might think of us when we tell them that Christ is risen. But like Mary and the other women, we have a responsibility to tell others the good news. God's Spirit will give us courage to overcome our fear and share our great joy. - JDB
Oh, what joy - the Lord is risen!
Death is conquered by God's Son;
Grant us courage, Lord, to tell it;
Lead us to some seeking one. - DJD
The Two Greatest Hindrances to Witnessing are Cold Feet and a Cold Heart.
Article selected from “Our Daily Bread”.
This Week @ Detonate:
Hello ladies and gentlemen! Let's guess who shall be our speaker for the upcoming youth service next Saturday!....No! Not Brother Andrew...Not Pastor Rupert...Yes! You are wrong! It is not Pastor Bryan......Wanna give up?? :D
Yes! He is Elder Boon Heng. Remember him? Yes yes...Elder Boon Heng will be speaking this Saturday. Our Saturdays have always been great and this one will be no exception. So come on down early for service and feed on God's Word.See you at 4.45pm! Amen?
R3D (Resurrect 3 Days) is a Detonate Youth Easter Outreach on 3rd April. It is time again for us to invite our friends and family members to this evangelistic service! Let's continue to pray for them to response to our invitations, that they will know the amazing love of God. Where mercy meets you!