too young
I spent six seasons as a high school varisty basketball coach, having been named to the position when I was 24 years old. I remember a parent at our school stopping me one day and telling me, "You're so young! How can you be a varsity coach?"
You'll always find people who will be surprised at the accomplishments of a youth. Sometimes they can't understand how others with so little of life's experience behind them can assume positions of responsibility. Perhaps they think of themselves as somehow better by the simple fact that they are a few years older.
Apparently Paul was aware of that kind of thinking back in the first century. As he was writing to Timothy about dealing with some false teaching that had arisen in the church, Paul sought to give Timothy a bit of direction. Among the things he told him was this: "Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity" (1 Timothy 4:12).
Paul didn't say, "Tim, you're just a kid. Wait till I get there and I'll handle this problem for you." Paul trusted Timothy with this vital church issue, despite his apparent youth.
Experience is a great teacher, and sometimes it takes a while for a young person to develop the needed confidence. But don't let that stop you from pursuing the area of service you think God wants you to fulfill.
Youthfulness brings with it enthusiasm, vision, hope, fresh ideas, and so many other things that the body of Christ can use. Use those traits to "be an example."-Allison Stevens
Food For The Soul!!
"As you think of being an example to others, how does Jesus' life inspire you? What Christlike traits should you be seeking to develop this week?"
Article selected from “Our Daily Journey”.
This Week @ Detonate:
We give thanks to the Lord for the powerful sermon last saturday. The sermon is able to impact us simply because the Word is life. Likewise, we have someone from our midst to share with us, his life testimony, his struggles and challenges and how God turned things around for His glory. Get ready! See you at 5:00pm in church!