Diseases of the Tongue
“Do not go about spreading slander among your people.”- Leviticus 19:16 (NIV)
One of the diseases of the tongue is gossip. Going about spreading slander, untrue, malicious talk is gossip. The word “devil” in the New Testament means “the slanderer” in Greek. That is the main description of satan in the Bible.
When one gossip, he is actually doing the devil’s work in spreading slander. Not only do Christians need to avoid gossiping, Christians also have the responsibility not to receive gossip. Gossips are poisoned. If we receive them into our hearts, our lives and relationships with others will become poisoned by those morsels of gossip.
“The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man's inmost parts.”- Proverbs 18:8 (NIV)
If you come across a Christian who is gossiping, gently remind him or her in love that he or she must not be in cahoots with the devil in doing evils.
This Week @ Detonate: Once again, Detonate Ministry has prepared for the youth a special speaker who is full of passion for the Lord this coming Saturday at 4.45pm sharp! Do not miss this once a year event. See You! Coming up On the 10th Oct 2009, Saturday, Detonate Ministry will be visiting Doulos, a Christian ministry that travels around the world on an active ocean-going passenger ship. We will be meeting together in church at 5pm before we proceed to VivoCity HarbourFront. Please register with Brother Amos Lee. All youths are encouraged to attend this event. For more information, please visit www.doulos.org .
I'll Stand
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In life, we will face problems, difficulties and disappointments. There will be sad moments, misunderstandings and things that are beyond our control. However, because we know Jesus Christ, we have the last laugh, for Jesus Christ stands in victory.
Come what may in my life, for I have the victory and I will stand firm.
This Week @ Detonate: We will be having a special speaker this Saturday at 4.45pm sharp! This speaker is no stranger to ALL of us! ^^ Most importantly, let us hear the Words of God that will be delivered through this humble servant of God. See you!
What are you busy with?
Everyone is busy. I am busy. Different one of us is busy with our daily stuffs. "Is busy good or bad?" Perhaps we, Christians should ask the question in another way, "Are you busy at the expense of spending time with the Lord?"
Nothing on earth comes close than spending unhurried, quality quiet time with our Lord. From my five cents worth of observation, there are many Christian books and seminars that talk about this aspect of spending quiet time, but it is really up to each individual one of us to create the time out of our hectic lifestyle. This reminds me of two points, first, “ruthlessly eliminate hurriedness” and second, “involve in the absolutely essential.” One can also relate to the following phrase by Lin Yutang, a Chinese writer and inventor, “The wisdom of life consists of the elimination of non-essentials.” Therefore, how true is it for us to spend our time on things that matters the most than on the unnecessary. Needless to say, the things that matters most to us will be based on God’s will for us.
We are all busy serving in ministry. But if our motives aren’t right, we can’t be right with our Lord.
This Week @ Detonate:
Pastor Rupert will be coming down this Saturday at 4.45pm sharp! Let's us look forward to this special meeting as he shared the Word of God with us. Till then, spend your time with the Lord and rest well. May God bless you.
On the 20th Sept 2009, our church has invited Glenn Lim, a youth specialist consultant, life coach and counselor to share with us about his testimony. Do invited your friends and relatives and witness how God touches them through this great servant of His. Main English Service, 10am at Great World City, GV Hall 5.
Praying For The Lost.
1. “Why pray? If God wants them to come, they will come. I don’t have to pray for them.” 2. “Why pray again? I prayed for them long time ago already.” 3. “Prayer is useless, I will rather invite my friends to church personally.” 4. “No point praying, there is no improvement at all.” 5. “When should I stop praying? I’m busy with my exams and work. I can’t be praying for them forever right?” 6. “Don’t worry. They will come to know God when the time is right. Rather, I should worry about myself first.” 7. “I don’t care about the rest, that’s their business. As long as I’m saved, I’m OK.” 8. “Why pray now? The evangelistic meeting is held next month. It’s too early anyway.”
Sounds familiar? Have you ever have such thoughts in your mind before? What is wrong with them? Well, they are all self-centered thoughts which portray prayer into a chore, thoughts that have no place for love, a lack of love for the lost.
One will pray for his or her loves one out of love, persistently and regularly. Praying for the lost does not happen only when the evangelistic meeting is around the corner. It is the love of God that we experience that compels us to pray for our loves one, friends, relatives and the needy. We love God because He first loves us.
Look back into your life and be grateful how God has helped you in your darkest moments, moments where no man is able to save you but only God, through Jesus Christ. How awesome is the love of the Almighty God!
Start sharing this love with the lost, through prayers with the love of God in your heart of hearts.
“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” 1 John 4:9
This Week @ Detonate:
Come and hear the Word of God by Brother Weston this coming Saturday at 4.45pm sharp! See You!
Coming up
On the 20th Sept 2009, our church has invited Glenn Lim, a youth specialist consultant, life coach and counselor to share with us about his testimony. Do invited your friends and relatives and witness how God touches them through this great servant of His. Main English Service, 10am at Great World City, GV Hall 5.Labels: Love, prayer