In this world that we are living in, we often heard people talking about "me, myself and I." Sadly, people are often caught up in this individualistic society that they pay little or no attention to the needy.
In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37, the Bible teaches us to love our neighbour as ourselves. To help and serve others who are in need. We can see this in other similar verses,
“Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.” - 1 Corinthians 10:24.
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.” - 1 Peter 4:10.
If you are still not convince,
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” - Mark 10:45.
We must not be like the priest or Levite who do nothing to help the victim. They were the ones who understood the law well, yet being righteous on the outward appearance, they acted otherwise.
Are you acting like the priest or Levite? Do some soul searching and we will know the answer ourselves. Confess and ask God for forgiveness. Let us walk our talk and obey Jesus.
Just as He has said, “Go and do likewise.”
This Week @ Detonate:
Come and hear the Word of God this coming Saturday at 4.45pm sharp! See You!
Coming up
On the 20th Sept 2009, our church has invited Glenn Lim, a youth specialist consultant, life coach and counselor to share with us about his testimony. Do invited your friends and relatives and witness how God touches them through this great servant of His. Main English Service, 10am at Great World City, GV Hall 5.Labels: Impacting Lives, Love
on Mount Sinai.
Exodus 20 not just showcases on the TEN commandments, but it also speaks about God's character. Out of 10, God made 4 about Himself.
So much about messages that shares about God pursuing us. It is of no doubt that God's love for us is eternal, everlasting, and unchanging, but somehow we miss out a critical portion of our love relationship with God.
He desires us to pursue Him.
If I may put it this way, the tinge of wanting us for Himself was explicit in the first 4 commandments. Making Him first place in our hearts is such a priority that God could not place anything else above it.
A famous author puts it that in God's heart, there probably lies a portion in which only that particular YOU can fill. Without your love for Him, that part can never be filled by anyone else on earth. Except you.
This Week @ Detonate:
Brother Isaiah Fazilin will be here with us to share with us the dynamic Word! We have been blessed by him several times and he is no stranger to us! So come and be blessed by this faithful brother this week at 4.45pm sharp!Labels: Honour Him, Impact Lives, relationships
With hearts as one.
'May the God who gives you endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.' Romans 15:5-6
Imagine a pitched dark room. With lighted candles scattered all around. What a lovely picture it is. However, it will only remain as an image to be admired. Place all the candles together, and you get a light. Unlit ones will be caught in the passing of sparks. Now, you get to have a room that can function.
We thank God for multiple chances for individual of us to be revived! God smiles at what he see from above. But more than that, He wants us to be more than a picture. Coming together means more than just having fellowship, similar ideals, and doing things together. It goes to building relationships, putting aside our differences and love. This last month as we impact our community, let's come with hearts as one. It's easy for us to go about our daily lives just being concerned about ourselves and our loved ones, but we would not had been an impact to others.
Look forward to!:
HIT THE STREETS! Yes we are going into the streets to share the gospel on 22nd August! Do hear the announcements by Brother Eric this saturday! Let's come together with hearts as one to do His work!
DISCIPLESHIP season 2 will be launched on 23rd August! Check out our detonate room for name list!
This Week @ Detonate:
Pastor Eileen Poh will be here this week to continue to share on EVANGELISM! We know for sure God will be using her to inspire and equip us to answer the call to share the gospel! See you all at 4.45pm sharp for an awesoome time of corporate worship as DETONATE YOUTH!
Why Not? Evangelise Part 3
Why do we cringe at the thought of evangelizing to our friends? The answer is obvious. We do not like to fail. Sharing the Gospel with our friends who are not interested makes us feel like a failure. Our friends may treat us differently or even outcast us. However, all these are lies and threatening thoughts that the devil uses to discourage us.
Why don’t we care about the things that God care about the most? Firstly, we may not be totally convinced of the truth of Christianity ourselves. We may believe in Jesus, but we may not believe it enough for us to share the Gospel with our friends. We need to be 100% convince of the truth that we proclaim and proclaim it with confidence.
Secondly, we may not realize the extent to which we have been forgiven.
“Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little." - Luke 7:47
Only when we understand the depth of our sins, then will we fully appreciate the depth of God’s forgiveness. Only when we know how much He has forgiven us, we will realize how much God loves us. Being compelled by God’s love, we will then naturally want to do something to please Him, out of a heart of gratitude.
Thirdly, we may forget the urgency of the task. It is so easy to be caught up in our daily activities that we often place the sharing of the Gospel at the back of our mind. Spreading the Gospel is the best thing that we can ever do for others. Helping your friends to take a step closer to God is the best action of love that we can ever express. We need this passion and love for the lost. In addition, we must not be quiet when it comes to sharing the Gospel with our friends and loves one. If we, the ones who claim to have the truth and keep quiet, guess what will our friends and loves one listen to? They will be listening to the noise of the world. Therefore, fellow Brothers and Sisters, let’s continue to open up our mouth and proclaim the Word of God to the lost.