crossover. (part one)
LOUDFEST '09 has been incredible! It has no doubt changed my attitude, and I hope it encourages you too.
Take a read: 1 Kings 17:1-14 (NOW my brother / sister! Procrastinating never ends.)
Now imagine our causeway that links Singapore and Malaysia. Two countries, one line in between. If we remain on either one side, that's by far the furthest we would comb. Okays, with a similar idea, let's see when God draws a line for us, and that line is not meant to restrict us, but to obey His leading. For example, we can be all into our academic results as a student. Then, God draws a line to ask you to cross over to share gospel to a certain friend. Well two choices: to stay at where we are and tell God we shouldn't mind other people's business, or to be bold and share His love to your friend and see God does His work.
It doesn't seem to be much of a struggle to cross the line, but don't we often get caught of not obeying Him who calls us? Let's see about the Elijah. He obeyed God by proclaiming neither dew nor rain over the land, and went into hiding at Kerith Ravine. He crossed the line and obeyed God. Then something awful happened. The brook dried up! Now what about blessings of obedience?
Stay tuned next week for story to continue... add: discuss on our tagboard on your experience on obedience. Was it tough?
Look forward to!:
YOUTH CAMP '09 ANSWER THE CALL! Wow, this camp is gonna be life-changing! Imagine we discovering God's call upon our lives and to take up faith and obedience! Incredible! So sign up with sister lydia now!
DE outing on 4th April! Look out for what brother eric has to share about 4th April! We are going 'fishing'!
This Week @ Detonate:
Hey hey! Our non-stranger Pastor Alfred Yeo will be in the house yo to share about followup to be even prepared for the DE outing next saturday! So cya all in the house of God at 4.45pm!
Prayers from the Body:
We gonna get down to our knees to pray for the people that we will be sharing to on the streets on 4th April. We gonna trust and believe God to help to open the hearts of those in our generation to recognise God in their lives! Yes Lord, open heavens that day for those who are to about to receive You. Amen!Labels: Honour Him
Our awesome God(:
"Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?" Isaiah 40:12
What a superb reminder of God’s mighty power in the creation of the universe and galaxies. Even more amazing, He measured the span of them between His thumb and first finger. Hold those fingers up and look at their span for a moment. Now imagine God looking at the space between His thumb and first finger while saying, “I think I’ll make the universe about that big.” If that doesn’t give you a picture of just how big our wondrous God is, think about this: He poured the oceans from the palm of His hand! Oh, friend, when I gaze upon a huge body of water that could swallow me up in an instant, and I realize that God, at some moment in time, held the entire ocean in the palm of His hand, it simply blows me away! As I consider this truth, I find myself awestruck by the greatness and glory of our God. The Lord God is so gigantic that He knows every creature that lives in that great body of water. He sees every ship that sails its waves. With a God this big, what could ever escape His attention? What need could we have that He cannot handle? Where could we go that we are not in His presence? What on the earth, above the earth, in the earth, or below the earth can make us afraid? Certainly, we can place our trust in a God so big that even the ocean waves obey their boundaries. And yet we doubt instead of having boundless faith in an unbound God. We live in fear instead of living carefree in the care of God. Let me ask you—what person or thing can compare to Him? Who or what is more stable than God? Is anything more powerful or glorious? Too often I forget the wonder of God even though all of creation declares His glory. I need to remind myself daily of His greatness. In doing so, all my fears tend to fade in the light of His presence. Today will you take time to recall how great and magnificent He is? Do it again tomorrow and the next day, too. See if you don’t find yourself awestruck by the One so magnificent we can scarcely wrap our minds around the thought of Him. But, oh how we need to try! It will do wonders for our faith and put to death our fears that smother our peace. Nothing gives me hope nor soothes my anxieties like meditating on the attributes of God. For what’s impossible for a God who holds the whole world in His hands? Nothing—absolutely nothing! Look forward to!:Youth camp 2009! ANSWER THE CALL is where we will be moving towards to. And you can be a part by filling our forms right this weekend! Do look for either lydia or bernard for more information:):)This Week @ Detonate:NOTE Youth service will be Cornerstone this saturday! We will be joining the large community of young believers in LOUDFEST 09 to join in the cheers to our Lord together as a bigger body:) Please be there at Cornerstone church @ ODEON Katong at 6.30pm! Alternatively, if you do not know the way there, you can meet Esther T. at CityHall MRT station at 5.45pm sharp for a guided direction. Do kindly sms her if you are meeting!Prayers from the Body:Let's continue to keep Esther Lim, Ken Chew, and Pastor Alfred (together with other church members) in prayers as they minister and serve the local people at Cebu, Philippines with Teen Challenge! Let's pray for God's presence, protection and anointing to rest upon them as they carry the light of Christ! Supporting you guys in prayers!
Do keep praying for youths who are sick. We thank God for healing Ivan and protecting him and we wanna see God's healing hands resting on our fellow brothers and sisters who are unwell as well. May the joy of God be your best medicine as you look to Him for complete recovery!
Labels: Honour Him
I was really ministered by the sharing of Pastor Bryan last week as He shares on 3 easy-to-remember-yet-easy-to-forget-when-hardpressed principles.
As I was reflecting on God's Word these few weeks, the notion of Promises keep coming back into my head. Again, I was reminded of Promises when we read Zechariah being used by God to remind His people of restoring God's temple.
Zechariah; Yahweh remembers. When God remembers something, He remembers for eternity. When He make a promise to you, He undetakes to see it to pass. God is always there when He makes a promise to you, but many times we give up because we couldn't wait any longer to anticipate the fulfillment.
2 Peter 3:9 says 'The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise...'. Do you stand on this?
Look forward to!:
Youth camp 2009!
This Week @ Detonate:
No stranger to many of us, Elder Boon Heng will be amongst us to share with us God's Word on Honour! We trust God for an awesome time of worship and hearing His Word through His servant! And yes! We wanna start being early for service! Let's encourage one another to reach at 4.45pm!
Prayers from the Body:
Let's keep Esther Lim, Ken Chew, and Pastor Alfred (together with other church members) in prayers as they make their way to Cebu, Philippines to serve together with Teen Challenge in one week's time! Let's pray for God's presence, protection and anointing to rest upon them as they carry the light of Christ! Supporting you guys in prayers!
Our dear brother Ivan has been sick and we wanna keep him in prayers for speedy recovery! Yeah may he be healed in Jesus' name and able to join in our fellowship to grow and honour God together:) Look forward to see you!
Labels: Honour Him
what connection are you?
Have you ever considered that not having a quiet time each day could have devastating consequences? Joshua discovered this during the second battle of his career as leader of Israel. He had just experienced the stunning victory over Jericho where God’s hand leveled the city. Joshua, unaware that Achan had taken accursed things, eagerly set his sights on Ai, the next city to conquer. Had Joshua been in communication with God, he would have known God was very angry with Israel because of Achan’s sin. God proved several times with Moses that he was forthright concerning the people’s disobedience. Instead of seeking the Lord concerning the conquest of Ai, Joshua relied on the recommendations of his scout team. After an embarrassing defeat, Joshua sought the Lord for answers. God answered Joshua specifically concerning Achan’s sin. He told Joshua what was taken and what must be done in order to restore his protection of the people. Achan’s had taken objects that God had banned. He took a garment, silver and gold and hid them in his tent. Making matters worse, the silver and gold were supposed to be given to God’s treasury. As a result, God withdrew his protective hand from the Israelites and they became “liable to destruction” (Joshua 7:12 NIV). God required that the objects Achan stole be destroyed in order to restore his protection over the people. Achan’s sin not only caused the defeat at Ai, but it also caused the death of himself and his entire family by stoning (Joshua 7:25). This story illustrates the value of meeting with God on a regular basis. Though we may think we are living a “good life,” sin can easily creep in and gain footholds. God will show us the footholds we have given to the devil through sin and what must be done to remove them. Repentance is very important to maintaining God’s protective cover over us. As God reveals the things in our lives that must go, we must be obedient in getting rid of them. Repentance may not avert our sin’s consequences, but it will help minimize the damage and maximize the restoration. Joshua 6 27So the LORD was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout all the country. The road of honouring God requires Godly wisdom and strength. We must stay tapped into God daily for the help we need. Only God can see the hidden ambushes the enemy may have set for us. He will help us steer clear of them and walk in purity to enjoy the fruits of righteousness. Please make it top priority to start your day with God every day!
This Week @ Detonate:
It's really a blessing from heaven to have Pastor Bryan here with us once again to deliver the Word:) We have been blessed by him and it wont exlcude this saturday's service! And.. we have our seniors from the Young Adults' Ministry to join us! As we stay together to interact with one another, let's be intentional in making our ministry one big family! Cya all at 5pm sharp!
Prayers from the Body:
Let's keep Esther Lim, Ken Chew, and Pastor Alfred (together with other church members) in prayers as they make their way to Cebu, Philippines to serve together with Teen Challenge in one week's time! Let's pray for God's presence, protection and anointing to rest upon them as they carry the light of Christ! Supporting you guys in prayers! Labels: Honour Him