So much for this 2 months on Honouring God. But let's stop in our tracks again and look back on our starting line: why do we honour Him?
To honour someone is to show respect, an act signifying approval and distinction. To my surprise, one version actually mention that honour is about CELEBRATING respect.
Now now, how on earth do we honour God by celebrating our respect towards Him? Perhaps in our journey with God so far, we get the mindset that honouring God means being really holy so that we wont blemish the name of God; being very careful and watchful in what we say or do.
I'm not suggesting that the above is wrong, just that we can perhaps look into a fresh perspective. Do we honour God with joy and enthusiasm?
Try asking God how you can celebrate respect towards Him.
This Week @ Detonate:
We are going to visit our H.I.T list for 2009! So come prepared with what you would like to see yourself doing in 2009 with regards to Honouring God, Impact Community, and Transforming Lives! Cya all at 5pm sharp!Labels: Honour Him
new new new.
watch this space for a new outlook:)
look beyond.
As believers, we are all called to transform the little world around us. C.S. Lewis offered a thoughtful perspective on remaining heavenly minded while continuing to make an impact in this present world. In Mere Christianity, he said. "Hope…means…a continual looking forward to the eternal world…it does not mean that we are to leave the present world as it is. If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next…It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this. Aim at Heaven and you will get earth 'thrown in': aim at earth and you will get neither." 16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2Cor 4:16-18
Being heavenly minded is not natural. It happens when we focus and meditate on the reality and wonderful hope of the world to come. When we do, we can bring a taste of heaven to the little world around us. So let's not become complacent — but stay focused there, so we can be effective here… and soon enough we will hear the Lord saying, "Well, done thou good and faithful servant!"
This Week @ Detonate: Check out the life of Nick Vujicic who is born without limbs, yet is living a life of legacy for God. The journey was not easy, and many thought he would not survive long. But yet, God has a higher calling for him. Join us also for a time of worship at 5pm sharp:) Discipleship starts this Sunday! Do remember to check the venues of your modules! Class will start at 1230pm:) Labels: Honour Him
discipleship round 1
Results are out! As the module 'Handling Opposition' has overwhelming response, hence enrollment is by drawing lots:)
Do take note discipleship starts this Sunday, at 1230pm!
Handling Opposition (level 2, Sunday School Hall) Wong Liji Grace Leong Ivin Yeo Zen Lim Isaiah Ho Jolene Tan Ivan Ng Michelle Tan
Genesis (level 2, Circular Room) Rachel Tan Esther Lim Andrew Tham Ivy Yeo Lydia Tan Joshua Tay Enoch Lim Dorena Lim
If you have any queries, do refer all to Sister Esther:)Labels: discipleship
start with love.
Honouring God can be through many different ways, eg. Relationships, Church, Service, Giving... but one thing for sure, you can't truly honour God if you don't love Him. 'Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.' 1 John 4:8 God takes pleasure when we take special efforts in honouring Him in all that we do and say. Such efforts don't simply birth out of a want to gain self-righteousness. In such a case, we seek to honour ourselves rather than the Father. One thing that got me captivating from the time I've accepted Christ till now is His everlasting love for me. Its unchanging, unconditional. And without the knowledge of Christ's love, I would not have any idea the kind of love towards others that will be pleasing to God. In turn, I would not be able to truly honour Him if I had loved with my own standards. Yea yea yea, we all know what's this all about. But somewhere, somehow, God's love is not fully shown amongst us. Are we loving like how the Father loves? Look forward to!:
Discipleship 2009! This Week @ Detonate:
LOVE is all around! Yeah! The anticipated Love Fest is finally coming:) We will be celebrating The Love together as a ministry and we promise you it will be a really awesome time! We thank God for the YA ministry for being so spontaneous to head Love Fest:) Do register your names with Sister Ruth or Brother Darren as we will be catering food if you haven't! If you have already done so, kindly take note of the details:
Attire is smart casual. Time of event will commence at 6pm @ Spring Grove clubhouse. We will set off from church at 530pm so please be at level 2 by 520pm! Special friends, good friends, and loved ones are also invited! Please, we do require you to register to ensure there's more than enough food to go around!
Prayers from the Body:
To our poly peeps: We are cheering you on! Do persevere as you prepare for your project submissions and exam prep! We know it aint easy but we believe in prayers! Keep trusting, as you place your confidence in our Unfailing God.Labels: Honour Him
the only constant, is change.
How time flies! We have entered into the second month of 2009. Thank God for the zeal and the passion He has given us! Lets continue to press on to worship God and serve Him. Read a daily bread entry recently and found it pretty interesting and ministering. Here's how it goes:
We always crave change in a new year. This is why in January 1 we start diets, exercise programs, and new hobbies. Of course, a month later we're usually back to our old bad habits. Maybe that's because we crave too big a change and do not have enough power and will to make the changes. I wonder how many Jesus-followers have made commitments to change and grow spiritually but are experiencing frustration because they don't have will and power to carry out those steps. Paul addresses this issue in his letter to the Philippians. As he encouraged them to work out their salvation with fear and trembling (2:12), Paul said they would not be on their own. God Himself would energize them to grow and carry out His tasks. The first area affected would be the desire to change and grow. He was also working to give them the power to make the actual changes (v.13).
"It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." Philippians 2:13
God has not left us alone in our struggles to attain spiritual growth. He helps us want to obey Him, and then He gives us the power to do what He wants. Ask Him to help you want to do His will:) Look forward to!:
One more week to LOVE FEST! Yes Detonate will be celebrating The Love:):) This Valentine's Day, 14th Feb, at Spring Grove clubhouse! Please be so kind to rsvp with Sister Ruth or Brother Darren if you are coming, together with your friends! Final details up this saturday!
Discipleship 2009! This Week @ Detonate: Pastor Bryan, our very familiar senior will be here to deliver God's Word! Its been a joy to have him in our midst and we believe God will be speaking through this faithful servant:) So cya at 5pm sharp!Labels: Honour Him