thank God for the awesome reunion dinner we had! this is our very first time in detonate history to have steamboat dinner at our rooftop:) the fellowship under the night sky was irreplacable:)
 Hurray to our reunion dinner:)
 to get our brain juices working before the feast:)
 Before After

Look forward to!:
LOVE FEST! gonna spread the love:) It will be on Valentine's Day, 14th February at Spring Grove clubhouse. If you are unsure how to get there, there will be alternative arrangements for you:) Organisers encourages us to be in formal wear, so do make a point to dress up a lil'!
This Week @ Detonate:
Our own brother Edward Ong will be with at our Detonate youth service to share with us our first theme of this year: Honouring God. So cya for a time of prayer for our schools at 4.45pm before service offically starts at 5pm!Labels: peeks
let the weak say im strong.
The story of Gideon (Judges 6:11-16) is a fascinating account of how the Lord used a regular guy to do an amazing work. Every person who feels weak and insignificant in the face of a struggle can get a "faith boost" from the story of Gideon. This opening scene introduces Gideon, who was working at the winepress for his father. Gideon probably did not have high aspirations in life, but simply to eventually take over his father's business and work the land.
Gideon's outlook drastically changed when an angel visited him. The angel said some amazing things to Gideon, and Gideon seemed to think it was too good to be true. He came from a weak clan and was the least in his father's house. Gideon, like many other Israelites felt that God had deserted his people. Despite Gideon's unbelief, the Lord did not give up on him. Instead, the Lord restated that he would use him to deliver Israel.
Gideon's testimony can encourage us in our faith. We may be looking at a situation with impossible odds and feel that there is no way that God will come through for us. We can stand on God's word in faith, believing that he will help us do the impossible because He is the God of the impossible! With God's Spirit living in us (1 Corinthians 6:19), we can stand confidently knowing that God is with us.
"Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10
If we're trying to break sex addiction, we can take courage that the Holy Spirit will empower us to put our lustful deeds of the flesh to death (Romans 8:11,13). We need not make excuses like Gideon did, saying, "I'm weak" or "I'm beyond forgiveness I've sinned so much" or "the temptations I face are too powerful for me." We can take a faith boost from Gideon. If he could single-handedly defeat a nation with the Lord, in Christ you can gain victory over whatever holds you.
Look forward to:
LOVE FEST! on 14th Feb we are gonna spread the love:) Hear from the organisers themselves this saturday!
This Week @ Detonate:
Finally! Our anticipated event of the month, REUNION DINNER! If you have not RSVP to brother alex, kindly do so asap! Do be at our church rooftop (level threeeee!) by 6pm to get seats:) Wee!
Prayers from the Body:
Do pray for good weather for our reunion dinner at the rooftop! There is no plan B! And of course, an awesome time of fellowship with everyone who comes and sow seeds into the hearts of our friends who have not believed.
Last week was a unbelievable youth service! In fact, the past few months have been amazing! God has started revival in each and every one of our hearts, and He delivered His Word through His servant last week to continue to bring revival to the people around us in families, schools & campuses, and the market places.
'Jesus said to him (Zacchaeus the tax collector), "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."' Luke 19:9-10
We get very very comfortable sometimes in church because we are surrounded by like-minded bros and sis that we slip into the mode of self-centredness. We fail to make the souls of those who have yet to believe the burden of our hearts. Ben Chew shared that in order for us to participants of the heartfelt cry of God, we need to ask Him for the burden. The desire that comes only from God can only be given by God Himself.
Coming to church isn't merely about celebrating His goodness and worshipping Him in spirit and truth. It is a lighthouse to draw people into light. If we boast about loving God, let's also boasts about sharing God's burden to bring souls and hear heavens rejoice:)
Look forward to!:
Since Chinese New Year is round the corner, Detonate will join in the festive cheers with a one night and one night only REUNION DINNER on 24th January, 6pm! We will be enjoying loads of fun under the stars! Yes, we will be having our dinner right at our own rooftop! As this dinner is strictly by invitation only, we strongly encourage you to confirm your presence that day and the friends you will be bringing:) Kindly let brother alex know your attendance this saturday! And oh! if you have an available steamboat for the REUNION DINNER, kindly approach brother alex:)
LOVE is in the air on 14th Feb! Details coming soon!
This Week @ Detonate:
Coming Friday (16th Jan) will be the prayer gathering for all youth ministries throughout Spore! It will commence at 7pm. Sister esther will be at cityhall mrt control station to gather the crowd and head to cornerstone at 530pm. IF you are not able to make it there at that time, please look out for the circulation email that will show you the directions. Coming Saturday (17th jan) will be a prayer CONFERENCE which youths will learn better on praying in faith for our schools and campuses! We need you to contact brother eric as this requires registration. It will be from 9am - 3pm. Brother eric will be gathering the crowd at 8am, cityhall mrt control station.
This week will be testimony week! With all the excitement that God has brought to Detonate, we wanna hear from you! YES, if you do have a testimony, do come prepared to share:) Let's not withhold the goodness of God just to ourselves, but to the rest of us! Service starts at 5pm!
Prayers from the Body:
A request from Sister Ruth that we keep her father in prayers for good health as there might be a possiblity of complications arising. Let's pray that God's love will touch her father once again and may faith arise from the entire family to trust God and His faithfulness. Labels: Honour Him
making the most out of 2009
Happy New Year to all! I am really excited about 2009 as I believe that it is a new start for many of us. Through the dynamic worship that we had the past two weeks, I believe we are in for a breakthrough if we continue to press on together. Detonate ministry will be different this year and indeed we want to detonate for God this year. Pastor shared a simple message on Saturday which I think is important for all of us to know and put into practice in the new year.
Accept responsibility in your life Some may think that we are still young why talk about responsibility. Like it or not, young and old, we all have responsibilities no matter where we are. Able to accept responsibilities for our lives help us to grow not only physically but also spiritually and emotionally as well. However, responsibilities like studying hard, honour our parents, be a good testimony are things we can handle and if we do it well, we will impact lives.
Believe I can change I can versus I can't. We often gives ourselves excuses like "I'm like that one la." God said very clearly in 2 Cor 5:7 that the old must go before the new can come. Do not let our pass habits hinder us from growing. Believe that we can change. Perhaps God is waiting for us to change before He reveal His next step for us.
Clarify want you want Set goals for yourself that you want to achieve in 2009. Like want Pastor said, don't take the thinking of whatever will be will be. If we never set detailed goals, we will never meet them. Take some time to pray and write down some goals(may be just one or two) you want to achieve for God this year. Together as a ministry, we want to accomplish these goals together.
Do it now! Start now or you will never start. Don't procrastinate anymore. Start the year fired up and give your all to Jesus. He will honour you.
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12
Honour God Impact Community Transform Lives
Look forward to!:
Since Chinese New Year is round the corner, Detonate will join in the festive cheers with a one night and one night only REUNION DINNER on 24th January! As this dinner is strictly by invitation only, we strongly encourage you to confirm your presence that day and the friends you will be bringing:) More details this week!
This Week @ Detonate:
Evangelist Ben Chew from Cornerstone church will be in our midst to deliver the word of God that will inspire us to keep the revival fire going on! Remember service starts at 5pm!
Prayers from the Body:
A request from Sister Ruth that we keep her father in prayers for good health as there might be a possiblity of complications arising. Let's pray that God's love will touch her father once again and may faith arise from the entire family to trust God and His faithfulness.
Brother Samuel has an urgent prayer request to pray for journey mercies as he makes his way back to his base in France. Currently he is unable to travel back due to snow and ice obstructing traffic flow. Let's pray for God to grant him favour and watch over him and his friends as they make their way back to base.
welcome 2009!
With a brand new year awaiting us, let's thank God for the direction He has placed in Detonate ministry for the year 2009! To affirm again what brother Alex has shared with all of us, here is a reiteration:
Detonate ministry lives to REACH OUT to non-believing young people, to let them ENJOY the fellowship of fellow believers, to encourage them to GROW their faith in Christ, to challenge them to SERVE in the ministry, and to EXALT God with their lives.
In gest, Detonate youths purposed themselves to: HONOUR GOD, IMPACT COMMUNITY, TRANSFORM LIVES (HIT! HIT!) 1 Timothy 4:12 'Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.'
To fulfill our purpose, we: honour God through WORSHIP, impact community through EVANGELISM, transform lives through DISCIPLESHIP.
Will you light up your torch and run with us?
Look forward to!:
Since Chinese New Year is round the corner, Detonate will join in the festive cheers with a one night and one night only REUNION DINNER on 24th January! Stay tuned!
This Week @ Detonate:
Our very dearly treasured Pastor Alfred will be here with us to start the year 2009! Do take big big NOTE that our service timing for 2009 will be changed to 5PM (instead of the usual 4.30pm). Remember its 5PM!!!!