joy to the world
As we come to the end of the 2008, Let us reflect upon all the things that have happened this year, whether good or bad. We may not understand why God allow certain things to happen but we can be sure that everything is of God's perfect plan. As for the good things, we can only stand in awe of God and thank Him.
"God has plans for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11 That verse is an all time favorite verse for me as I know and is certain that everything that happened is of God's plan and He never meant to hurt me. Do you believe that God has good plans for you? Through our faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior, we become heirs to God's kingdom (Romans 8:17). The details of our inheritance are found in the Bible, which is God's "will" and testament to us. It was ratified by Christ's death (the testator). As heirs, we can claim this inheritance in Christ today. We don't have to wait until we die to receive the good things God has for us.
God has given us the Holy Spirit to teach us what is in the will for us – the things He "has freely given to us." As we read the Bible, the Holy Spirit will quicken our minds and understanding to the spiritual truths in it. Apart from God, nobody can fully understand or know God's plans for us. However, since we have God's Spirit living in us, we can know and understand His plans for us!
If we listen to the Spirit and read the Bible, we'll know how to best enjoy the things that God has freely given us. God's blessings are to be enjoyed both now and in eternity by those who love Him. This doesn't mean that our lives are going to be trouble-free and painless. As Jesus explained to His disciples, "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). As we experience trouble in the world, we can fix our eyes on eternal perspectives. The troubles and trials we go through now will help build character, patience and perseverance that will help us complete His mission for our lives.
As we celebrate Christmas, lets rejoice because we know that we are in good hands, the hands of the Almighty God!
Look forward to!:
A brand new 2009! Detonate will be in for new wave:):) Will you be there to catch the tide?
This Week @ Detonate:
We thank God for the great REVIVAL MEETING we had on last sunday! With this fresh fire that God has deposited with Detonate, let's start with casting our visions to the type of catch we wanna hold onto! Be there at 430pm sharp and your expectant hearts O ye people:):) It's VISION CASTING Saturday!
Prayers from the Body:
Do keep Brother Darren and Sister Jia Ling in prayers as they continue to trust God for healing for their mother. God has kept them thus far, and we wanna thank God for His faithfulness. We know God is in overall control, and He is in full knowledge of each and everyone in the entire family. Let's stand together with them in this time of trying period and be such a support to them, that they may be filled with joy and courage.
Thank You Lord for keeping this ministry. We pray that in all our ways, deeds, and words Detonate will grow to honour You. Remember Your people and Your promises O Lord! Make us fruitful we pray:)
Labels: spiritual formation
Revival is HERE
Detonate Revival Meeting 5pm-7.30pm 21st December 44 Hoot Kiam Road, Zion Full Gospel Church A meeting place where His presence will come dwelling in the midst.
Will you be there?
the new has come!
Pastor Bryan shared a simple but important message about "mindsets" on Saturday. Especially as we edge towards the revival meeting and the year end, it is important that we recognise and remove the negative mindsets like fear, sin and doubts that have hindered us from growing. Only then can we as a ministry revive spiritually in the new year.
5Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.[b]7You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.
Colossians 3:5-10 As Christians our "old self" (evil desire lurking in our members) is buried in baptism, and God resurrects us to live in "newness of life" (Romans 6:4). This newness of life is exponentially better than life in our old sinful habits. Yet too many of us fail to experience the new life Jesus bought for us. We find that our old ways are easy to fall back into, and our newness of life seems to be choked out by our old self. We're saved, yet settle for "carnal Christianity," which makes it hard to distinguish our lives from those of the world.
We shouldn't be surprised when people ask us, "Why do I need Jesus? You call yourself a Christian, but your life is no different from mine!" Ouch! God didn't intend for us to live that way. Living a transformed life IS possible and we CAN become like Jesus.
The newness of life starts with killing the old self, repeatedly and faithfully. We don't have to gut this out on our own. God, in his wonderful grace, promises to help us do this through the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:11,13). He won't do it for us, but He will join us when we step out in obedience. Arm yourself with the truth from the Word to help you discern sin's lies. Colossians 3:16 says, "Let the Word of Christ have its home [in your hearts and minds] and dwell in you in richness" The Word re-tunes our sensitivity to right and wrong, and revitalizes our spirit. When it permeates our thoughts, the subtle moves of the old self are brought to light.
As we look forward to the revival meeting, let's await that day with expectations and preparing ourselves to receive from God. Lets always keep our ministry in prayer. Detonate ministry will be a revived ministry in 2009!
Look forward to!:
Pray and keep watch about our revival meeting on the 21st Dec, Sunday at 5pm sharp! Do remember to call on those who have not been with us for awhile and make this day a day to remember the rest of our lives:)
This Week @ Detonate:
Our Senior Pastor, Pastor Alfred will be here to challenge and prepare our hearts for the upcoming revival meeting! Casting aside our mindsets, we wanna go in the same spirit with the entire ministry to prepare ourselves for the end of year revival challenge. We cant just sit there and wait! So cya at 430pm sharp for a time of prayer and worship:):)
Prayers from the Body:
Do keep Brother Darren and Sister Jia Ling in prayers as they continue to trust God for healing for their mother. God has kept them thus far, and we wanna thank God for His faithfulness. We know God is in overall control, and He is in full knowledge of each and everyone in the entire family. Let's stand together with them in this time of trying period and be such a support to them, that they may be filled with joy and courage.
We thank God for His faithfulness over our uni students we have braved through the fiery fire of exams! Now its our poly students preparing for their exams before they break off for christmas! keep persevering in your studies and revision and give your best shot in all that you do and trust God:)
Labels: spiritual formation
who is your giant?
Detonate claims onto Luke 1:37 "For nothing is impossible with God.". I believe God has been moving in our midst, and to know that He is here with us, we declare Him Lord over our ministry:)
The show to me was a reminder of how the world thinks when it faces an obstacle that seems to too difficult to overcome, be it mentally or physically. It also reminded me that things will not work out as planned, as how we want it to go.
However, the crux of the show that really encouraged me was that although things were not going smooth for the coach, he did not turn to worldly ways but instead seek after God in whom he trusted in. God also spoke to him through using another person who felt compelled to tell him that the "doors were still open". Although God may not have spoken to him personally, I think he must have felt really reassured when he had heard that.
Friends play an important role as well as seen by the assistant coach when he was sitting on the fence and unsure of giving his full support to the coach. Friends can either build you up or shatter your hopes through their words and actions. It was good that he finally gave his support after seeing the change in the program made by the coach.
The coach decided to change the perspective to one that honoured God no matter what the circumstance and used his current position to reach out to the students as well. Although the students were not receptive at first, I'm sure that the seed was planted when the coach started the change. Moreover, the prayer for the students in the morning everyday while passing by the lockers by another person also played a part in the later scene of the revival in their school.
David Childers was not confident of himself as he used to play soccer and was new to American Football. However, his Dad encouraged him not to be afraid to try nor afraid of failure. To me, this is true because we face many decisions in life, but we do not necessarily make the right ones all the time. Hence, they result in failure but we learn from these experiences and become a better person, wiser. God used him at the end to complete the impossible win over the Giants by scoring a 50+ foot field goal.
While honouring God is one thing, we must honour our parents as well as it is a commandment and although it may not seem like they care for us, they actually do, alot and since they are experienced, they will want the best for us. However, in the spur of the moment, we sometimes say things that we do not mean and hurt their feelings. This show serves as a reminder that we must seek forgiveness and at the same time if people sin against us, we must be able to forgive them as well and forget.
Our God is strong and faithful, with him, the impossible is accomplishable! :) Let us continue our walk with God as we seek to become more like him and develop a intimate relationship with him.
Isaiah Ho
This movie has taught me alot. As a sport player myself, the helplessness and the demoralization the coach faced was heartily real to me. The umpteen challenges and failures that we face in life is inevitable, and the only way to solve these problems is to look to God for His wisdom and strength. It taught me that we should first honour God and in everything we do, put Him first for He is the source and without Him, we are indeed nothing at all. It is impossible for us to do things with our own capability and understanding. Through this movie I also came to realise that there are so many times in my life that i failed to really spend time thinking and relating my life to His words. Life is often so hectically scheduled that i so often ungratefully neglected Him. This realization of mine made me ponder and repent over my mistakes and made me realise that in everything, God should always come first. As matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first His kingsom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" Therefore, we should put Him as the first in our life and trust Him for He will never fail us.
Lydia Tan
Many times in my life I have faced situation that requires me to make the choice of giving up or pressing on, be it in my studying years (which is many years ago!) or my physical fitness running test which is a race against time and body strength. While watching “Facing the Giants” last Saturday, the scene where the coach instructed one of his players to go half the football field on hands, I observed similar struggles when I took my fitness test. Even before stepping out, the thought of giving up and weariness came storming into my head. It just feel that no matter how hard I try, it will get me no where, so what is the point of giving my best? In the film, the coach blindfolded him and gave him one and only ONE instruction, that is to give his ALL! Although the coach wasn't the one doing the task, he didn't stop encouraging him, didn't left him by himself but follow him throughout. And his perseverance impacted the rest of the team to start believing in the impossible, to start believing in giving their best.
Is this similar in our journey as a Christian? Being a Christian, we are called to persevere, to run the race with endurance, and to not lose heart in this journey of life as we allow Him to lead us. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9
It is not just about winning the game but being victorious in life and living a life to the fullest. At the end of the verse, it says if we do not lose heart, in due season we will reap a harvest. And that's the result we saw in the team that did not lose heart but persevere to the end; the Champion!
Therefore, let us all, whether in church or outside church with our non-believing friends, let us be one that stand tall in adversity, giving our all to the test and do not give up! For in due season, we will emerge as a champion, a champion that Honors God and Impacting Lives!!
Alex Liang
I hope you are encouraged to hear from fellow Detons as we march on together as ONE.
Look forward to!:
Pray and keep watch about our revival meeting on the 21st Dec, Sunday at 5pm sharp! Do remember to call on those who have not been with us for awhile and make this day a day to remember the rest of our lives:)
This Week @ Detonate:
No stranger to us, Pastor Bryan will be here again, to bring forth what God has liad upon his heart to share amongst us. Come, expecting, wanting, and longing:) We will be here gathering at 430pm sharp.
Prayers from the Body:
Do keep Brother Darren and Sister Jia Ling in prayers as they continue to trust God for healing for their mother. God has kept them thus far, and we wanna thank God for His faithfulness. We know God is in overall control, and He is in full knowledge of each and everyone in the entire family. Let's stand together with them in this time of trying period and be such a support to them, that they may be filled with joy and courage. We thank God for His faithfulness over our uni students we have braved through the fiery fire of exams! Now its our poly students preparing for their exams before they break off for christmas! keep persevering in your studies and revision and give your best shot in all that you do and trust God:)
Let's remember our brothers and sisters who are far away from home in their respective places for work or school or training. We know God is all-present, and He is with us wherever we are. It is not an easy journey to walk without the close proximity of loved ones and friends, but we know for sure the presence of God goes with them:) Do pray for good health and strength over their lives and we hope to see you soon!