this is how we overcome.
Gaining freedom from bondage to sin is usually not an easy or quick task. It requires that we work in partnership with the Holy Spirit in overcoming the various aspects of the bondage. The best way I know of to get in tune with the Holy Spirit is to have a daily quiet time with the Lord, including Bible study, prayer, praise and worship.
"How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Praise be to you, O LORD; teach me your decrees. With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth. I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word." Psalm 119:9-16 NIV
The Bible has everything we need to know about God, living for God and overcoming sin. It gives us many examples of how to follow God and how to avoid the many possible pitfalls in life. King David had a firm grip on God's word and its importance to a pure walk with God. Specifically, David said that purity will stem from: Living according to God's word and delighting in it Seeking God with all our heart Hiding God's word in our heart (learn it, study it, memorize it) Praising God and speaking his word Rejoicing in obedience to God's commands Meditating on God's word and considering His ways
If we're not meeting with God to do the above things, our hopes of living in purity will not be realized. Without the daily input of God's word in our life, we will gradually be overrun by the world's desires and the corruption of the lusts within our heart.
This Week @ Detonate:
Discipleship Group Session:):) We are onto part TWO of our final quality of the Fruit of the Spirit! Thank you all for being so faithful in learning His Word! May you through this opportunity began to mold and build your character, bearing the FRUIT! Cya all at 4.30pm sharp as we seek God as one ministry, as one unified Detonate standing back to back with one another in this spiritual battle:)) We believe He will be here. NOTE All band members kindly stay behind for a session after service. Please do inform Brother Alex or Lionel if you are unable to make it to arrange for alternatives. THANK YOU!
Prayers from the Body:
Do keep Brother Darren and Sister Jia Ling in prayers as they continue to trust God for healing for their mother. God has kept them thus far, and we wanna thank God for His faithfulness. We know God is in overall control, and He is in full knowledge of each and everyone in the entire family. Let's stand together with them in this time of trying period and be such a support to them, that they may be filled with joy and courage.
Do be effort-ful in remembering our Os and As students who are facing this immerse stressful period of examinations and studies. We know God is faithful, and He is our helper. So brace yourselves as you honour Him with your diligence, continuing to trust in Him. For He will not abandon you, nor forsake you:)
Let's be our brother's keeper! Brother Jowill is undergoing alot of stress in dealing with his lodging issue. Let's pray that God will intervene in this situation and be His solution. God be His peace that will reign in his heart, to know that a child of God will never got to worry about his tomorrow because He holds our hands.Labels: spiritual formation
selfless giving
We have been so socially gracious whenever we receive a comment from people whom recognise our talents and gifts. But don't we all take pride in the good and best that God has place in us? 'But just as you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us - see that you also excel in this grace of giving.' 2 Corinthians 8:7 Some of you have probably recognise your talents. That's awesome! But probably some of you are still uncertain of what you do best. But one thing I do know: Each of you have one thing that you are good at. Be it known or unknown, God has bless us with gifts because He gives good gifts to His children. But we seem to forget on alot of occasions that God the Father is the One who gives us, according to His portion of grace, the ability to excel in certain areas. Could that be our carelessness, then, to use the gifts for His kingdom?
Most churches reflect the popular notion that only 20% of the church is serving the 80%. What a pity! God's intention is having each and everyone of the Body of Christ to manifest their talents to serve one another. The worst thing that could happen, is the 80% comments on how poorly the service offered by this 20% has done, but yet sometimes refuse to do anything about it. My concern here is not to criticise the 80%, but simply to raise awareness about the 20%. These people gave their best, their time and efforts to serve God. Not to say they are looking for men's praises, but sometimes it can get rather saddening to hear awful comments from those who do verbal services, but no action at all. It seems easier to say than to do. But sometimes going the extra mile to appreciate and care for those who have been serving unconditionally and share the burdens is an answer to a prayer of need.
Will you be willing to roll up your sleeves and get into the field? Sometimes our selfishness to care for ourselves means more burdens laid upon those who are serving faithfully. If we could all be in the grace of giving of ourselves, then we'll make serving one another more meaningful and exciting. I do hope we don't take this 20% for granted by assuming they will do it all. Do you know if they have prayers of needs that are unmet because fellow christians chose to be tight-fisted with their talents? Let's work towards a church where 100% serves 100%!
Look forward to!:
As mentioned by Pastor, 21-22 November will be the dates for FIRE CONFERENCE '08. Youth attendance costs will be $40 (half price!!!) but there are sponsorships available. Kindly approach Pastor or Brother Zen by this weekend if you intend to go for them to make arrangements and registration. Inquiries are welcome too:):):)
VIETNAM mission trip! Thank you for all of you who have taken this courageous step of faith to answer to the call that Jesus has made to us. Registration will close this weekend so please do approach pastor or uncle chris chew soon soon! It will be from the 4th to 9th decemeber, to Hanoi Vietnam.
This Week @ Detonate:
We have been very blessed by him every time he comes to share with us God's Word. Likewise this week, Pastor Glenn Lim will be here again with us to share from the heart of God to dig deeper in to God's Word:) And be inspired by how God can use him to touch your life:)Cya all at 4.30pm sharp as we seek God as one ministry, as one unified Detonate standing back to back with one another in this spiritual battle:)) We believe He will be here.
Prayers from the Body:
Do keep Brother Darren and Sister Jia Ling in prayers as they continue to trust God for healing for their mother. God has kept them thus far, and we wanna thank God for His faithfulness. We know God is in overall control, and He is in full knowledge of each and everyone in the entire family. Let's stand together with them in this time of trying period and be such a support to them, that they may be filled with joy and courage.
Welcome back to school for our poly students! it may not be the day that you most look forward to, but joy comes beyond the circumstance. May our gracious God renew you for a brand new semester as you choose to honour Him with your diligence. Do give an encouraging hand to our O and A level students who are focusing their energies in this period of preparatory work. We love you guys!
Do remember our NS brothers (Joshua, Yu Po, Matthew, Ziyao, Josiah, Ian) who are undergoing their trainings in various ways. May the presence of God oversee and protect them as they go through their activites and under their authorities. Pray also that they will stand strong on God's promises for them and be a living testimony that draws men to Jesus! Strive on brothers!
Labels: spiritual formation
a grateful heart.
How often do you go to God with requests in your prayer times? How often do you simply offer thanks to God for whatever you can think of? Is our prayer times used to be filled with requests for God to do things for me and for others? While reading the Psalms, let's take a different route in prayer by starting out each day thanking God for whatever you could think of. You will discover that there are more things to be thankful for than you ever realized before. You will also discover that looking for what you can be thankful for increases your own sensitivity and recognition of God's hand in the situations of your life.
1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. 2 Let the redeemed of the LORD say this— those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, 8 Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men, 9 for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. Psalms 107
This Psalm reveals a particular aspect of God that we can all be thankful for. God "satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness." That is an awesome statement, isn't it? How many times have we tried to fill the longings of our soul with wealth, or knowledge, or success in our school or work? Those things will never bring fulfillment because our hunger is a spiritual need that only God can satisfy. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. He has redeemed us from the hand of the enemy and fills our soul with goodness!
Questions for further thought: What does it mean to make sacrifices of thanksgiving? How much time have you spent thanking God each day during your quiet times? What can you do to incorporate giving thanks during your quiet times? Take a moment to jot down all the things you can thank God for today.
Look forward to!:
As mentioned by Pastor, 21-22 November will be the dates for FIRE CONFERENCE '08. All those who have registered kindly approach Brother Zen for any information needed. Those who did not sign up, you are utmostly welcome to join the night healing rallies (it's FREE!).
This Week @ Detonate:
Thank you guys for persevering till this far! We are onto our very last quality of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit in our Discipleship Group Session:) I do hope you have drawn something out of this entire series and may it shape you accordingly in the various aspects that you have learnt. Cya all at 4.30pm sharp as we seek God as one ministry, as one unified Detonate standing back to back with one another in this spiritual battle:)) We believe He will be here.
Prayers From the Body:
Do keep Brother Darren and Sister Jia Ling in prayers as they continue to trust God for healing for their mother. God has kept them thus far, and we wanna thank God for His faithfulness. We know God is in overall control, and He is in full knowledge of each and everyone in the entire family. Let's stand together with them in this time of trying period and be such a support to them, that they may be filled with joy and courage.
Welcome back to school for our poly students! it may not be the day that you most look forward to, but joy comes beyond the circumstance. May our gracious God renew you for a brand new semester as you choose to honour Him with your diligence. Do give an encouraging hand to our O and A level students who are focusing their energies in this period of preparatory work. We love you guys!
Do remember our NS brothers (Joshua, Yu Po, Matthew, Ziyao, Josiah, Ian) who are undergoing their trainings in various ways. May the presence of God oversee and protect them as they go through their activites and under their authorities. Pray also that they will stand strong on God's promises for them and be a living testimony that draws men to Jesus! Strive on brothers! Labels: spiritual formation
seal Your word in my heart.
9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to Your Word. 10 I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. 11 I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You. 14 I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. 15 I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. 16 I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect Your Word. Psalm 119 As young people, we always look for things that are modern, up-to-date, and catchy. We know much more than the youths in our parents' generation, and we are exposed to the world. But, do we really know everything we need to?
Somehow, there is this lack of passion for God's Word in our generation. Probably it is the stigma that it is of the past, it is too literature and aren't interesting. So where do all the sharing on God's Word is living go to?
God's Word is living. It is real, and present to our needs and circumstance. It surpasses time and is steadfast to all generations. There is no single doubt to many that God's Word promises and gives hope. We are all hyped up when it comes to worship and fellowship. But do we come with the same passion when we seek God's Word? Or is it another time of boring religious teaching?
It is when we are young that God is able to mold and shape us. Since God's Word is living, we who read and hide it in our hearts will be filled with life. Our ways are guided by His ways, and our thoughts by His truth. Do you rejoice in following God's Word, like in verse 14? What attitudes do we come with when we discover His Word? It is when we come with a teachable spirit and an expectant heart that we will experience this life that He so promises through His Word.
Look forward to!:
As mentioned by Pastor, 21-22 November will be the dates for FIRE CONFERENCE '08. Youth attendance costs will be $40 (half price!!!) but there are sponsorships available. Kindly approach Pastor or Brother Zen by this weekend if you intend to go for them to make arrangements and registration. Inquiries are welcome too:):):)
This Week @ Detonate:
We have been very blessed by him every time he comes in our midst. Likewise this week, Pastor Glenn Lim will be here again with us to share from the heart of God to dig deeper in to God's Word:) And be inspired by how God can use him to touch youths:) Cya all at 4.30pm sharp as we seek God as one ministry, as one unified Detonate standing back to back with one another in this spiritual battle:)) We believe He will be here.
Prayers from the Body:
Wee(:(: We are filled with joy for Sister Jolene and Brother Jowill who has taken their step of baptism on Wednesday! Indeed, may this day be almost memorable to them as a mark of commitment to follow Jesus and His ways. And for those who aren't yet baptised, we do hope you will continue to grow in your relationship with God as you grow to know Him better:)
Do keep Brother Darren and Sister Jia Ling in prayers as they continue to trust God for healing for their mother. God has kept them thus far, and we wanna thank God for His faithfulness. We know God is in overall control, and He is in full knowledge of each and everyone in the entire family. Let's stand together with them in this time of trying period and be such a support to them, that they may be filled with joy and courage.
While our poly students are enjoying the remaining days of their holidays, we wanna make an effort to pray for our secondary school students who are in the midst of their final year exams. We pray that God will grant them joy and strength to persevere through each day of preparatory work. Indeed, God will give them rest even as they put their hearts and soul to excel. Keep it going guys!
Do remember our NS brothers (Joshua, Yu Po, Matthew, Ziyao, Josiah, Ian) who are undergoing their trainings in various ways. May the presence of God oversee and protect them as they go through their activites and under their authorities. Pray also that they will stand strong on God's promises for them and be a living testimony that draws men to Jesus! Strive on brothers!
Labels: spiritual formation
art of waiting
Waiting is something that all of us find it how to deal with. We don't like the long queues, the traffic jams, the bus coming late and many others. Sometimes even when our food comes late in the restaurant, we can't help but complain to one of the staff there.These are the common things that we faced each day.
There are also the harder waits: a childless couple waiting for a child; a single person waiting for a suitable life partner; a person who wants to be a doctor and even a student waiting for the release of results online.
What we wait for, however, is far less important then what God is doing while we wait. In such times He works in us to develop those hard-to-achieve spiritual virtues of meekness, kindness, and patience with others.But more importantly, we learn to lean on God alone and to rejoice and be glad in Him.
"Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains." James 5:7
F.B.Meyer said, "What a chapter might be written of God's delays! It is the mystery of the art of educating human spirits to the finest temper of which they are capable. What searchings of the Word of God, what upliftings of the souls... All these are associated with those weary days of waiting, which are, nevertheless, big with spiritual destiny." God stretches our patience to enlarge our soul!
Look forward to!:
As mentioned by Pastor, 21-22 November will be the dates for FIRE CONFERENCE '08. Youth attendance costs will be $40 (half price!!!) but there are sponsorships available. Kindly approach Pastor or Brother Zen asap if you intend to go for them to make arrangements and registration. Inquiries are welcome too:):):)
This Week @ Detonate:
Discipleship Group Session:):) we are into part 2 of our 8th quality of learning the Fruit of the Spirit! We do hope you have been more developed and shaped by the Holy Spirit! Keep persevering as you allow God to strengthen the quality that He has given to everyone of you and make this opportunity life-changing:):) Cya all at 4.30pm sharp for an hour's time of intense worship and prayer as we seek God as one ministry, as one unified Detonate standing back to back with one another in this spiritual battle:)) We believe He will be here.
Prayers from the Body:
Wee(:(: We are filled with joy for Sister Jolene and Brother Jowill who has taken their step of baptism on Wednesday! Indeed, may this day be almost memorable to them as a mark of commitment to follow Jesus and His ways. And for those who aren't yet baptised, we do hope you will continue to grow in your relationship with God as you grow to know Him better:)
Do keep Brother Darren and Sister Jia Ling in prayers as they continue to trust God for healing for their mother. God has kept them thus far, and we wanna thank God for His faithfulness. We know God is in overall control, and He is in full knowledge of each and everyone in the entire family. Let's stand together with them in this time of trying period and be such a support to them, that they may be filled with joy and courage.
While our poly students are enjoying the remaining days of their holidays, we wanna make an effort to pray for our secondary school students who are in the midst of their final year exams. We pray that God will grant them joy and strength to persevere through each day of preparatory work. Indeed, God will give them rest even as they put their hearts and soul to excel. Keep it going guys!
Do remember our NS brothers (Joshua, Yu Po, Matthew, Ziyao, Josiah, Ian) who are undergoing their trainings in various ways. May the presence of God oversee and protect them as they go through their activites and under their authorities. Pray also that they will stand strong on God's promises for them and be a living testimony that draws men to Jesus! Strive on brothers! Labels: spiritual formation