know you. know me.
'This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.' 1 John 3:16-18 As we conclude this week's post on relationships, i felt the above verses are good closures for this theme. Loving one another definitely do not stop at the end of this quarter, but it a continual learning process. It may seem rather superficial sometimes, but relationship building got to start from somewhere right?
Knowing what is love is one thing, doing is another. It is quite obvious many know by word, but not exactly by deed. Sometimes we are too quick to say others have not love by action and truth, only in words, but what about ourselves? Are we free from the claim too? I doubt so, else we would have not in the first place point our fingers at others for not doing it.
We all want to receive love don't we? But we always wait for someone else to take the first step first, then we reciprocate that love of kindness. That is not what the agape love that God wants us to have. That is brotherly love (phileo) which is done to another who has done something good to us. God wants us to love first even it seems that we are not being loved in the first place.
Taking Jesus as our example, He gave His life for each and everyone of us, with no favouritism. He surely did not wait for us to worship Him or love Him back before dying on the cross for us. He paid the penalty of our sins way before we knew Him, before we receive Him into our lives. Can we also lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters, even for those whom you are unfamiliar with? Try this week to know someone whom you have never or seldom fellowshipped with. Spend time. Leave your comfort zone.
Look forward to!:
Our community outreach is going active this Saturday 27th September in bringing the Henderson's Senior Citizens Centre as well as the Student Centre for a day out to Asia's very first one-stop gardening hub, the Hort Park (known as Horticulture Park for long) for a refreshing time:):) Registration has closed. All volunteers (only be registration or notification) please be at Blk 117 Bukit Merah View by 9.30am as the service bus will not wait for latecomers.
As mentioned last week by Pastor, 21-22 November will be the dates for FIRE CONFERENCE '08. Youth attendance costs will be $40 (half price!!!) but there are sponsorships available. Kindly approach Pastor asap if you intend to go by this weekend for him to make arrangements. Inquiries are welcome too:):):)
This Week @ Detonate:
Discipleship Group Session:):) we are into our 8th quality of learning the Fruit of the Spirit! We do hope you have been more developed and shaped by the Holy Spirit! Keep persevering as you allow God to strengthen the quality that He has given to everyone of you and make this opportunity life-changing:):) Cya all at 4.30pm sharp for an hour's time of intense worship and prayer as we seek God as one ministry, as one unified Detonate standing back to back with one another in this spiritual battle:)) We believe He will be here.
Prayers from the Body:
Do keep Brother Darren and Sister Jia Ling in prayers as they continue to trust God for healing for their mother. God has kept them thus far, and we wanna thank God for His faithfulness. We know God is in overall control, and He is in full knowledge of each and everyone in the entire family. Let's stand together with them in this time of trying period and be such a support to them, that they may be filled with joy and courage.
Do remember our NS brothers (Joshua, Yu Po, Matthew, Ziyao, Josiah, Ian) who are undergoing their trainings in various ways. May the presence of God oversee and protect them as they go through their activites and under their authorities. Pray also that they will stand strong on God's promises for them and be a living testimony that draws men to Jesus! Strive on brothers!Labels: relationships
unwrap the heart.
As I was watching the famous variety show "America got Talent" on channel 5 one evening, I was so amazed by people that look so ordinary but have such great talents hidden in them. Being the curious part of me, I decided to go youtube to view the other performances of the show. As I was scrolling through the different shows, this particular performance really stunned me. A mobile salesman Paul Potts took the stage. The judges looked skeptically at one another when the nervous, unassuming, ordinary-looking chap announced he would sing opera----until Potts started his first note.
He began to sing Puccini's "Nessun Dorma"---and it was magical! The crowd roared and stood in amazement while the judges sat stunned in tearful silence. It was one of the greatest surprises any television program has ever had, in large part because it came wrapped in such an ordinary package.
In the Old Testament, the rescuer of Israel arrived at the battlefield in a most unlikely form---a young Shepherd boy. King Saul and his entire army were surprised when David defeated Goliath and won the day.They needed to learn the way that God looks at people. He said to the prophet Samuel,
"The Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7
If we judge others only be their outer appearance, we might miss the wonderful surprise of what's in their heart. Before u judge others, put yourself in their shoes and see how you would react. Get to know them better before passing a judgement. You never know how much can words affect people. Love God and love others. This is God's number ONE commandment.
Look forward to!:
Our community outreach is going active this 27th September in bringing the Henderson's Senior Citizens Centre as well as the Student Centre for a day out to Asia's very first one-stop gardening hub, the Hort Park (known as Horticulture Park for long) for a refreshing time:):) Volunteers who are able to please get a pink form from Sister Esther this Saturday to fill in the declaration form! Cya!
This Week @ Detonate:
Discipleship Group Session:):) we are into our part 2 of our 7th quality of learning the Fruit of the Spirit! We do hope you have been more developed and shaped by the Holy Spirit! Keep persevering as you allow God to strengthen the quality that He has given to everyone of you and make this opportunity life-changing:):) Cya all at 4.30pm sharp for an hour's time of intense worship and prayer as we seek God as one ministry, as one unified Detonate standing back to back with one another in this spiritual battle:)) We believe He will be here.
Prayers from the Body:
Do keep Brother Darren and Sister Jia Ling in prayers as they continue to trust God for healing for their mother. God has kept them thus far, and we wanna thank God for His faithfulness. We know God is in overall control, and He is in full knowledge of each and everyone in the entire family. Let's stand together with them in this time of trying period and be such a support to them, that they may be filled with joy and courage. Do remember our NS brothers (Joshua, Yu Po, Matthew, Ziyao, Josiah, Ian) who are undergoing their trainings in various ways. May the presence of God oversee and protect them as they go through their activites and under their authorities. Pray also that they will stand strong on God's promises for them and be a living testimony that draws men to Jesus! Strive on brothers!
Labels: relationships
I still remember that Saturday when Rob Bell's 'Breathe' was screened. I was in ING and YY discussion and we were going through more in-depth thoughts about what was being shared over in the video. And He moved. God gives us the breath of life, which is the life that we are living. That is for sure, no doubts about that for many of us. We know the story of creation so well (in Genesis 1-2) that we were made from dust but made into beings by His breath. Yet by knowing this in our minds, we forgot about our breaths. We breathe in and out daily, yet we do not give much thoughts to that very essence that holds our lives. 'Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labour on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to Me; hear Me, that your soul may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you my faithful love promised to David.' Isaiah 55:2-3 We constantly are looking for something to satisfy us, to meet our needs and wants. As a youth myself, I am also looking for something that will give me satisfaction. I get disheartened when I see youths running all over the place just to find for satisfaction. When that feeling of satisfaction no longer exists, they start running all over the place again to look elsewhere. When I see youths trying to look for love and pleasure in the wrong places, making mistakes and living in the consequences, my heart broke. I feel even more helpless when salvation is offered to them, but they turn it down. God is the source of Your life. He gives you breath. Thus He will be the One who will satisfy You. Are you constantly running around to look for something that will satisfy You? It is tiring to keep running around in search isn't it? Come to Jesus, and He will put an end to your search. For He satisy, eternally.
Look forward to!:
One-Bring-One service on 14 Sept This Sunday! Let's unite our hearts as one as we join our vision for the church in being active in evangelism:) Yes, in every opportunity this period of time to invite your loved ones, dear friends and unsaved friends to come to know God!! We trust that it will be an awesome service with God moving so vividly through the entire theatre! amen:)
Our community outreach is going active this 27th September in bringing the Henderson's Senior Citizens Centre as well as the Student Centre for a day out to Asia's very first one-stop gardening hub, the Hort Park (known as Horticulture Park for long) for a refreshing time:):) Volunteers who are able to please get a pink form from Sister Esther this Saturday to fill in the declaration form! Cya!
This Week @ Detonate:
Our very familiar Pastor Glenn Lim will be here in our cosy midst to share from the heart of God:) And be inspired by how he sees youths:) Cya all at 4.30pm sharp as we seek God as one ministry, as one unified Detonate standing back to back with one another in this spiritual battle:)) We believe He will be here. Also, Detonate Evangelism is going on at 10am sharp:) Trainers do let Eric know if you are able to help by this Friday and be in church by 1200pm:)))
Prayers from the Body:
Do keep Brother Darren and Sister Jia Ling in prayers as they continue to trust God for healing for their mother. God has kept them thus far, and we wanna thank God for His faithfulness. We know God is in overall control, and He is in full knowledge of each and everyone in the entire family. Let's stand together with them in this time of trying period and be such a support to them, that they may be filled with joy and courage.
Our deepest condolences to Brother Ken and Ian Chew's family as they say farewell to their beloved grandma. We trust God in His unfailing love and may the family be strengthen with hope and comfort in this period.
Do remember our NS brothers (Joshua, Yu Po, Matthew, Ziyao, Josiah) who are undergoing their trainings in various ways. May the presence of God oversee and protect them as they go through their activites and under their authorities. Pray also that they will stand strong on God's promises for them and be a living testimony that draws men to Jesus! Strive on brothers! Labels: relationships
2 vs 10
I hate to admit it but I'm a worrier. I believe the people who are close to me can verify this. I worry about almost everything: even what clothes I should wear the next day. This is one habit and shortcoming that I need to overcome. Remember one of the blog entry on worrying? Here's another aspect we can look and perhaps learn to overcome worrying. Once again God brought me to this verse in Matthew 6 when He said:" Do not worry." Don't worry about the basic needs of life--- food, clothing, shelter--- and don't worry about tomorrow.
Worry may be a symptom of a bigger problem. Sometimes it's a lack of gratitude for the way God has cared for us in the past. Or perhaps it's a lack of faith that God really is trustworthy. Or it may be the refusal to depend on God instead of ourselves. Or perhaps it's something we have done wrong and worrying that we don't deserve God's help anymore.
Some people expand the worry circle to their families,friends,and churches. They're a lot like the 10 spies in Numbers 13 who spread their fear and doubt to everybody else. But those who put their trust in God alone can stand along side Joshua and Caleb, the only ones in the group of 12 who God allowed to enter the Promised Land. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication,with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God."
Philippians 4:6
Don't let worries hold you back from what God may be trying to teach you. When you have sinned,confess to God immediately and not do it again. Do not let this affect you bringing your request to God. He invites you to bring your anxious thoughts directly to Him. Lets remind each other and be overcomers of worrying!
Look forward to!:
One-Bring-One service on 14 Sept! Let's unite our hearts as one as we join our vision for the church in being active in evangelism:) Yes, in every opportunity this period of time to invite your loved ones, dear friends and unsaved friends to come to know God!! We trust that it will be an awesome service with God moving so vividly through the entire theatre! amen:)
This Week @ Detonate:
Discipleship Group Session:):) we are into our 7th quality of learning the Fruit of the Spirit! Congrats for being so faithful in learning! We do hope you have been more developed and shaped by the Holy Spirit! Keep persevering as you allow God to strengthen the quality that He has given to everyone of you:):) Cya all at 4.30pm sharp for an hour's time of intense worship and prayer as we seek God as one ministry, as one unified Detonate standing back to back with one another in this spiritual battle:)) We believe He will be here.
Prayers From the Body:
Do keep Brother Darren and Sister Jia Ling in prayers as they continue to trust God for healing for their mother. God has kept them thus far, and we wanna thank God for His faithfulness. We know God is in overall control, and He is in full knowledge of each and everyone in the entire family. Let's stand together with them in this time of trying period and be such a support to them, that they may be filled with joy and courage. We also want to remember Sister Summer's grandmother who is also hospitalised last week. May God's healing spirit be upon the sickly and we pray in faith for full recovery.
We thank God for bringing our poly students through the entire exam period! Wee:))) And now for your long-deserved break, I pray that you will use it to honour God just as He keeps you through the entire exam period! Not forgetting our O level students in prayers as they commit this preparatory time unto God. May they be faithful in keeping up with their revision. Persevere on people! It definitely will come to an end! Strive onwards for the goal! Do remember our NS brothers (Joshua, Yu Po, Matthew, Ziyao, Josiah) who are undergoing their basic training. May the presence of God oversee and protect them as they go through the various trainings. Pray also that they will stand strong on God's promises for them and be a living testimony that draws men to Jesus! Strive on brothers!
Although we are geographically separated, but we are not in spirit and hearts. Do remember our brothers and sisters who are overseas as they press on in their trying times. We know it is not easy being away from their homes and comfort zones but for sure they are in good hands of God. So no matter the obstacles, we are proud of all you guys for giving your difficulties a shot:)) For your help comes from the Lord.
Labels: relationships