As we conclude this quarter of the year on the theme of excellence, there is this fundamental question we need to ask ourselves; "Have we excelled?' After all the sermons on excellence, video series on excellence and of course the intense sharing on excellence by Pastor Chris Long in our detonate camp, I believe we have learnt the importance of excellence in our lives but have we put in effort to excel? If we haven't, its time to start.
Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs—he wants to please his commanding officer. Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor's crown unless he competes according to the rules. The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops.
2 Timothy 2:4-7 Yesterday in cell group, we learnt how we are called to persevere. No matter where we are or what we are doing, we can persevere and excel for God. Just like the solider, the athlete and the farmer mentioned in the above verses, there are certain things we must achieve and strive towards. Taking the soldier as an example, there are so many virtues such as loyalty, discipline, armor preparation and many others that a soldier must posses in order to be a successful one who contributes to his country. So no matter where we are, lets do our best in every area and be a successful soldier for Christ.
Just a recap of some areas most of us can excel in from these 3 months : Our own spiritual walk with God Our ministry Our studies Our family relations Our friends relations Our character
Even as we moved on to the next quarter of the year with the theme on relationships, let not forget that God have called us to excel. Let us be that little spark in our schools and work place that can ignite into a flame for God through the excellence we show in our lives.
Look forward to!:
a spiritual breakthrough.
This Week @ Detonate:
We are continuing DG this week to follow up on one of the quality of the Fruit of the Spirit which we have done two weeks ago:) do remember to read through the notes that your teachers have painstakingly prepared for you! NOTE Our service timing will be officially changed to 4.30pm at the same place. It will be a whole one hour of pure prayer and worship for a time of intimacy with our God. No fanciful stuff, no pharisee mindset. Just a heart hungry for God's heart. Join the whole ministry in this time of breaking through. Will you be part of the army? Or a spectator?
Prayers from the Body:
It's back to school! Yes to all our secondary, JC and poly students, that God will give you a new beginning:) Whatever failures, successes and stress you had faced last term, may God renew you and restore you to do your best for Him!
Do remember our NS brothers (Yu Po and Matthew) who are undergoing their basic training. May the presence of God oversee and protect them as they go through the various trainings. Pray also that they will stand strong on God's promises for them and be a living testimony that draws men to Jesus! Strive on brothers!Labels: excellence
created for excellence.
After all the sermons and the hoos and the haas on excellence, you may still find or argue that there is no real solid reason for you to stand for excellence.
'So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.' Genesis 1:27 Hence, with full faith of Genesis 1:27, we are the beholders of excellence, since God is the God of excellence and we being created in His very own image signifies the image of excellence.
Alrights, for those of you who are more mathematical, here goes:
God = God of excellence
Image of God = Image of His excellence
Mankind = Image of God Mankind = Image of His excellence
Get the picture?
God did not stop just there. He gave us a glorious promise to look forward to in 2 Corinthians 4:17 (don't be lazy, go check it out now:)) But why do we still 'fall short of the glory'? Wake up people of lala-land. We got to fight for this glory. I doubt we will inherit the glory that outweighs all if all we do is living a life of trends, of imitating what the world does and stubbornly (sometimes blindly) following their sloppy values. Warfare is real. I don't know how to show you the real-ness of it, but I know you've got to fight for this glory. Many earthly things will try to rob you of this light, potentially doing great and marvelous things for God's kingdom. Do you just sit and stare, letting this greater life whizz past you? C'mon detons. It's time to show the world and devil that we are serious in doing our best for God, no matter the hurdles. Strengthen your hearts people, let nothing stop you from inheriting the glorious life that God so willingly give to those who fear Him.
Look forward to!:
a spiritual breakthrough.
This Week @ Detonate:
No stranger, our dear Brother Andrew Yeo from Cornerstone church will be here to share God's Word:) We believe and pray that God will use His servant to deliver the Word upon God's heart. NOTE Our service timing will be officially changed to 4.30pm at the same place. It will be a whole one hour of pure prayer and worship for a time of intimacy with our God. No fanciful stuff, no pharisee mindset. Just a heart hungry for God's heart. Join the whole ministry in this time of breaking through. Will you be part of the army? Or a spectator?
Prayers from the Body:
Do continue to keep him in prayers as Brother Zen progresses in the recovery stage. God indeed is faithful to our dear brother and God will see through his entire recovery. May Brother Zen use this moment to glorify God and be His witness to many. We look forward to you joining us again bro!
Do keep Pastor and Brother Edward (Lucas' dad) in utmost prayers as they leave Singapore to East Timor on Friday morning. We pray that God will use His servants to do life-changing works for the East Timorese and be such an encouragements to the workers and believers in this land. We pray also for God's mercy throughout the entire trip that they be filled with supernatural strength to do great things for God's glory. Amen!Labels: excellence
June '08! It's out!

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Labels: calendar
all who are thirsty.
Aren't many of you excited that church/youth camp is less than one week from now?! Every year, we will be so fired up for God as well as grow in fellowship with one another after the camp. I'm sure this year will be no different especially when we have Pastor Chris Long as our camp speaker. There will be lots of exciting games coming out to test our strength and perseverance! Not forgetting free time for us to relax and enjoy! Woohoo!
Amidst of all these activities, it is also very important that we prepare our hearts well before we move up to the camp. In camps like this, it is a very good opportunity to really get some time out from the world and fully immerse ourselves into the fellowship with God as well as one another. However, if we go up with a sense of apathy, we will never benefit as much as we should at the camp.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6 Let us use these few days before the camp to really seek God to tell Him what you want to achieve through this camp. As we thirst for God, I'm sure He will fill us. Let us prepare of our hearts and mind to experience a spiritual awakening through this camp. That after this camp, our lives will never to be the same again. It will be a time physical, mental and spiritual challenge for all of us as we strive for excellence in all we do.
Look forward to!:
Youth Camp 2008! It's FINALLY here! Yes yes, alot of you have been looking forward to it cause' it comes right up after your exams!!!! We wanna believe that it will really be a time of spirital awakening that God will address things and issues in our lives to be a better child of God. Not forgetting the awesome fellowship we will have with one another. This is an especially great opportunity to get to know our brothers and sisters more (if you have not known them well) and build one another up in love and good deeds:) So look out for the fun, the tears, the laughter, and of it all, the joy:) NOTE The bus will leave church at 7.30am sharp so please please be there early at 7am. So if you're prone to be late, grab someone to give you a morning call! Also, double check you've brought out yr passport as the camp comm would not collecting them prehand. We cannot afford to delay the journey plans so do be mindful! Those of you who are unable to join us, we will be keeping you in prayers! So stay strong! We know God is everywhere and He is present wherever we are:)
This Week @ Detonate: We are honoured to have Pastor Francis Chew to be with us this week to share with us even more about the excellences in our lives! Let's pray for a open heart to receive and attentive ears to hear. Make it a point not to treat this as just another saturday, but a day that God is gonna come with open heavens:) We will also join hearts in a time of intimate praise and worship with our God, our Light:) Do be here at earlier to join the Detonate body for a time of prayer. Let's come with such hunger and thirst as we lift up our cries to Him who is near to hear. Don't hesitate. We urge you to come. You never know what God can do when His people come together with one voice to pray. Expect more. Want more. 4 pm. The whole of 2nd floor Sunday School.
Prayers from the Body: Do keep our camp committee in prayers as they continue to labour over the last few days. We know they have been going all out to let us enjoy to the maximum and planning through all the necessary details for us to have a relaxing and spiritually awakening time:) Do also pray for Meldred, Dan and Weston to trust in the Lord for their bosses to grant them leave to go for this church camp as it has not been approved. We trust God in all circumstances, He is ultimately in control. We thank God for His presence and protection with Brother Zen throughout his operation. Brother Zen is now out of the hospital and resting at home. Do continue to keep him in prayers as he proceed on the recovery process. God indeed is faithful and will be with His people. May Brother Zen use this moment to glorify God and be His witness to many. We look forward to you joining us again bro! It's a hair-tearing period for our poly students as they commit their time and efforts in revising for the common tests. Do uphold them in prayers amidst this busy period and we know God will honour all you guys who choose to honour God:) Yes, and a great break during the youth camp would be absolutely forward-looking so press on! Labels: excellence