no exchange!
Have we ever come across a defected item or good and asked (or more likely demanded) for a refund? Or when we were dissatisfied with a waiter's service and we shoot an annoyed stare?
We do, don't we (unless you are a caveman and you totally abstain from human contact)? We get pretty much occupied with the injustice that we've got and get really ducky (read last week's post to understand the meaning) without knowing the cause behind it. We expect a certain standard from people who are doing their jobs especially when we are paying and do their job scope with their best.
For He has set a day when He will judge the world with justice by the man He has appointed. Acts 17:31a God expects us in the same way. Every situation that He puts us in is a test of our attitude and character to do our best for Him, for His creation (that includes ALL peoples!).
Yada yada yada. We know all that. But do we do something about it? Or simply brush it aside with a 'I don't care'? Nowadays we are so caught up with our individual matters that we turn a blind eye to God. We want parties, we wanna have fun, we want things to go as we wanted. Nope, I'm not trying to address our selfishness, but this prevalent sense of apathy that we have with things that we are least interested in and involved in. Have we spared a thought for our Creator?
Not long ago, the media was targetting at the issue of youths not knowing about their nation leaders and they realise it's not just a handful, but it was nearly 80%! Even in church, we segregate ourselves with regards to personal and spiritual lives. I'm sure God didn't intended christians to go to church with a mask. Don't you find it so hard to breathe with it? Many times we complain about the type of service or deliverables that we received and demand a replacement. How about ourselves? Do we demand for such excellence in our lives? Or we simply don't care? I certainly don't want to wait till it's too late to turn to God. Don't take God for granted.
Look forward to!:
Youth camp 2008 barely 2 weeks away! We thank God for that awesome time together last year and this year, we believe it will be a greater experience of fellowship, spiritual development and fun as we overcome our differences and fears! We believe for a time of spiritual breakthrough as God speaks through the Holy Spirit and His servant Rev Chris Long. We want a revival! Our camp tees will be given out this Saturday! Collection can only be done with payment. So please remember to bring yours!
This Week @ Detonate:
Expect something this week! We know God is doing a mighty work here, and as we see how God can move through a different manner, come and join us for a time of intimate praise and worship to our God, our Emmanuel:) Join us also, for a time of prayer for individual needs and ministry, The leaders have sense a spiritual dryness and stagnation as a whole and we need to come together to help one another to overcome. Because we want you guys to detonate for God, so take this chance to see your life transform. Don't hesitate. We urge you to come. You never know what God can do when His people come together with one voice to pray. Expect more. Want more. 4 pm. The whole of 2nd floor Sunday School.
Prayers from the Body:
Do keep our camp committee in prayers as they continue to labour till the camp is over. We know they have been going all out to let us enjoy to the maximum and planning through all the necessary details for us to have a relaxing and spiritually awakening time:)
With the recent news coverage, let's keep both Myanmar and China in prayers as they tide over this period of devastation. We know God has a special purpose and He is the overall control of the entire earth. We pray for peace and order to be restored back and for God to be their Providence for the needs of affected people to be met through His church. May the funds coming in from overseas not be used for selfish motives but God will have righteous men and women to take charge and use the money to help those in dearth.
We thank God for His presence and protection with Brother Zen throughout his operation. Brother Zen is now out of the hospital and resting at home. Do continue to keep him in prayers as he proceed on the recovery process. God indeed is faithful and will be with His people. May Brother Zen use this moment to glorify God and be His witness to many. We look forward to you joining us again bro! It's a hair-tearing period for our poly students as they commit their time and efforts in revising for the common tests. Do uphold them in prayers amidst this busy period and we know God will honour all you guys who choose to honour God:) Yes, and a great break during the youth camp would be absolutely forward-looking so press on! Labels: excellence
ducks quack, eagles soar
As we continue to move in the theme of excellence, we want to give our best in everything that we do. Like what Brother James Lee shared last week, no matter where we are, we can strive for excellence. By doing that, we can give glory to God. Below is an article that really impressed me about doing our best in our daily work.
Ducks Quack , Eagles Fly
Years ago, my friend, Harvey Mackay, told me a wonderful story about a cab driver that proved this point. He was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When a cab pulled up, the first thing Harvey noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black slacks, the cab driver jumped out and rounded the car to open the back passenger door for Harvey . He handed my friend a laminated card and said: "I'm Wally, your driver.While I'm loading your bags in the trunk I'd like you to read my mission statement." Taken aback, Harvey read the card. It said: Wally's Mission Statement:"To get my customers to their destination in the quickest, safest and cheapest way possible in a friendly environment." This blew Harvey away, especially when he noticed that the inside of the cab matched the outside. Spotlessly clean!
As he slid behind the wheel, Wally said,"Would you like a cup of coffee? I have a thermos of regular and one of decaf." My friend said jokingly, "No, I'd prefer a soft drink." Wally smiled and said, "No problem. I have a cooler up front with regular and DietCoke, water and orange juice." Almost stuttering, Harvey said, "I'll take a Diet Coke." Handing him his drink, Wally said, "If you'd like something to read, I have The Wall Street Journal, Times, Sports Illustrated and USA Today." As they were pulling away, Wally handed my friend another laminated card. "These are the stations I get and the music they play, if you'd like to listen to the radio." And as if that weren't enough, Wally told Harvey that he had the airconditioning on and asked if the temperature was comfortable for him.Then he advised Harvey of the best route to his destination for that time of day. He also let him know that he'd be happy to chat and tell him about some of the sights or, if Harvey preferred, to leave him with his own thoughts.
"Tell me, Wally," my amazed friend asked the driver, "have you always served customers like this?" Wally smiled into the rearview mirror. "No, not always. In fact, it's only been in the last two years. My first five years driving, I spent most of my time complaining like all the rest of the cabbies do. Then I heard the personal growth guru, Wayne Dyer, on the radio one day. He had just written a book called You'll See It When You Believe It. Dyer saidthat if you get up in the morning expecting to have a bad day, you'llr arely disappoint yourself. He said, 'Stop complaining! Differentiateyourself from your competition. Don't be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain. Eagles soar above the crowd.'" "That hit me right between the eyes," said Wally. "Dyer was really talking about me. I was always quacking and complaining, so I decided to change my attitude and become an eagle. I looked around at the other cabs and their drivers. The cabs were dirty, the drivers were unfriendly, and the customers were unhappy. So I decided to make some changes. I put in a few at a time. When my customers responded well, I did more."
"I take it that has paid off for you," Harvey said. "It sure has,"Wally replied. "My first year as an eagle, I doubled my income from the previous year. This year I'll probably quadruple it. You were lucky to get me today. I don't sit at cabstands anymore. My customers call me for appointments on my cell phone or leave a message on my answering machine. If I can't pick them up myself, I get a reliable cabbie friend to do it and I take a piece of the action." Wally was phenomenal. He was running a limo service out of a YellowCab. I've probably told that story to more than fifty cab drivers over the years, and only two took the idea and ran with it. Whenever I go to their cities, I give them a call. The rest of the drivers quacked like ducks and told me all the reasons they couldn't do any of what I was suggesting.
Wally the Cab Driver made a different choice. He decided to stop quacking like ducks and start soaring like eagles. So, can we be like the cabbie, to soar like eagles for God? We all can, only if we choose to go that extra mile for the glory of God. ''Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.'' Philippians 4:8
Look forward to!:
Youth camp 2008!! We thank God for that awesome time together last year and this year, we believe it will be a greater experience of fellowship, spiritual development and fun as we overcome our differences and fears! So book the dates now on your schedule: 9th to 12th June! For those who have not pay the amount please do so this Saturday after service. Look for Brother Bernard:) If you do have any queries, I'm sure he will be more than willing to answer you (no spamming pls:)) It's just barely 3 weeks away!!!!
This Week @ Detonate:
Rev Irvin Rutherford, Executive Director of Global Ministry Team will be here with Detonate this Saturday! Yes, it is a rare opportunity that he is here with us and we look forward to see how God will use this man to inspire us and to dream BIG for God! Also, there will be an intimate time of praise and worship with our God, our Life:) Join us also, for a time of prayer for individual needs and ministry, The leaders have sense a spiritual dryness and stagnation as a whole and we need to come together to help one another to overcome. Because we want you guys to detonate for God, so take this chance to see your life transform. Don't hesitate. We urge you to come. You never know what God can do when His people come together with one voice to pray. Expect more. Want more. 4 pm. The whole of 2nd floor Sunday School.
Prayers from the Body:
Do keep our camp committee in prayers as they continue to labour till the camp is over. We know they have been going all out to let us enjoy to the maximum and planning through all the necessary details for us to have a relaxing and spiritually awakening time:)
With the recent news coverage, let's keep both Myanmar and China in prayers as they tide over this period of devastation. We know God has a special purpose and He is the overall control of the entire earth. We pray for peace and order to be restored back and for God to be their Providence for the needs of affected people to be met through His church. May the funds coming in from overseas not be used for selfish motives but God will have righteous men and women to take charge and use the money to help those in dearth. Labels: excellence
welcome partieee!
Detonate's welcome party:) May 26.

joy overloaded:) And introducing our evil gamemaster who got all of us fearing for the forfeit... Brother BERNARD!
first up, MUSICAL CHAIRS:)

apparently, some of us are so anxious to grab a seat we didn't move. I think we should have the chairs move next time. hahs.
 Look @ our happie faces when we got a seat!
 our second: wait. Brother Bernard didn't tell us the game title! -_-III Anyways, it got us all so focused... for once:P
 i told cha! even the surrounding peeps are into it!
 our 3 musketeers for the day(zen sam michelle), who was awaiting for 'judgement'. haha. apparently they broke record. they lose twice.

and some random pics.. enjoy!
 *guess who's the extra!!*
 *hmm.. lydia look kinda different nowadays...*Labels: peeks
'Dare to make contact!'
A film last Saturday. Beyond its screen. The vision of the missionaries.
Only God can give.
I really enjoyed the movie. I felt it was a very touching and heartwarming film. It was really brave of Jim Elliot and the other missionaries to venture into a foreign island to minister to the people there despite knowing the fact that there will be a risk to go there as the tribe there believed in revenge killings. And though the team got killed, the family members still went back to the jungles. I am sure if it was me, I would hesitate and consider whether to go back there anot. I am very inspired by this movie. This movie taught me alot of things.No matter what happens in our lives we must have faith in God because at the end the results we get will be far more than we expect. This is faith. Going on a church mission trip is not easy. However, it is really heartwarming and worthwhile to see the people there being ministered and accepting Jesus as their Saviour. I remembered my dream is to be a missionary and go to Africa to minister to the children. I am sure nothing is more assuring than to see the children there accepting Christ. I <3> Jolene, ING
“End of the spear”, was stunning throughout the whole show. In the film, few missionaries got killed while having the intention to spread the gospel to the natives. The missionaries treated the natives so nice, had fun with them, but when the natives return to their tribe, they spoke lies about their experience with the missionaries. They betrayed the trust the missionaries have in them. Sounds familiar? It’s like, Judas betrayed Jesus, causing Jesus to be arrested and be put to sacrifice.
Nevertheless, these missionaries did not die for nothing, through the follow-up works done by their families, the natives came to realize what God’s love unto His children is. I was impressed by these missionaries, even at their verge of death, they still showed God’s love – not retaliating back by using guns to return fire. Their step of faith really encourages me. And by not giving up, their families stepped in to do the undone work. Remarkable courage. I think we should all learn from these characters, as much as we can, apply their spirits and attitudes onto the eagerness and boldness in us to reach out to our friends and families as well. Zen, Fusion I was moved by the remarkable faith and courage displayed by the missionaries, including Jim Elliot. Knowing full well that they may not return alive, they were still filled with such anticipation to befriend the Waodani. This dawned upon me about the kind of trust they had in God. So wholesome, without a single doubt (probably they had, but that did not stop them) and 'what-ifs'. This compelling love and urgency for the Waodani tribe to know the gospel certainly would be an everlasting inspiration to me. But what hit me real hard is the return of Elizabeth Elliot and another sister back to the Waodani tribe after losing their loved ones to the brutal killings. It just showed how big their hearts were. It wasn't an easy time for them to come to terms with the lost of their loved ones, but they saw a greater vision, for the Waodani to know God(Waegonggi). A vision that truly can come from God Himself alone. It brought me out of my selfish nature and start to look heavenward to see what God can use me as. Esther, YY Will you allow God to give you a vision? Look forward to!:
Youth camp 2008!! We thank God for that awesome time together last year and this year, we believe it will be a greater experience of fellowship, spiritual development and fun as we overcome our differences and fears! So book the dates now on your schedule: 9th to 12th June! For those who have not pay the amount please do so this Saturday after service. Look for Brother Bernard:) If you do have any queries, I'm sure he will be more than willing to answer you (no spamming pls:)) Special Special Detonate Service on 24th May! Yeap Rev Dr Irvin Rutherford, Executive Director of Global Ministry Team will be here to share with us new insights and inspiring testimonies! This is a greater chance to get to know this man of God if you have no idea who is he:) Do keep him in prayers! And oh! We definitely would be inviting our friends to see the goodness of God! Yays! This Week @ Detonate:
Brother James Lee will be in our midst! A young man full of passion for God, he is now a successful businessman and use his funds and talents for mission work! So come and hear from the man himself, at 4.45pm this Saturday! Also, an intimate time of praise and worship unto our God, our Joy:) Cya all! Prayers from the Body:
Hold on, our secondary school students! Exams will be over soon! Continue to stay in this fight, for we know God is with you:) Do pray for our JC students as well as they start their midterm papers in these few weeks to come. God's joy and vicotry will follow them as they honour God with their diligence:) Do pray for some of our brothers who are away in Malaysia for adventure camps. We pray for God's protection to be with them throughout their activities and endurance to do whatever that is required. We look forward to see you back, stronger and tanner!
May '08! It's out!
Check it out! May 2008(:

*click here to save!

Labels: calendar
drop the screaming at home pls:)
As many people will say, young people nowadays are angels outside but devils at home. As far as I want to disagree with this statement, it really makes me ponder and finally realizing that it is true to a considerable extent. As we approach the issue on excellence, it is also very important to exercise it at home and saying it from personal experience. That, is the hardest of all I guess. You agree too?
Why is it so hard to be "good" at home for most of us? Perhaps many times its due to the level of comfort and pampering from our parents we get daily since young. As such, we take things for granted and when things doesn't go the way we wanted, we throw our temper at our family members. Speaking from experience, we also bring our mood from outside and vent our frustrations at home. Then our poor parents and siblings would absorb our frustration and sometimes even have to say nice things to comfort us. Familiar eh?
As hard as it can be, it is extremely important to be a good testimony at home. Especially for those whose parents are not yet believers. As much as our parents can know what we do in youth, it is how we behave at home that can really impact them. There have been testimonies of parents coming to know God because they see the changes in character in their children. On the flip side, there are some parents who are affected by the poor behavior of their children and as a result find it hard to believe in God. Do not underestimate the influence you have in your family. We are the tangible expression of God in our family.
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise— "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." Eph 6:1-3 As Mothers' and Fathers' Day are round the corner, let's make an effort to thank them for all that they have done for us. Be a good testimony at home and I believe God will bless your household. Be a light in your home.
Look forward to!:
Youth camp 2008!! We thank God for that awesome time together last year and this year, we believe it will be a greater experience of fellowship, spiritual development and fun as we overcome our differences and fears! So book the dates now on your schedule: 9th to 12th June! For those who have not pay the amount please do so this Saturday after service. Look for Sister Esther or Brother Lionel:) If you do have any queries, I'm sure they will be more than willing to answer you (no spamming pls, we will love you)
Special Special Detonate Service on 24th May! Yeap Rev Dr Irvin Rutherford, Executive Director of Global Ministry Team will be here to share with us new insights and inspiring testimonies! This is a greater chance to get to know this man of God if you have no idea who is he:) Do keep him in prayers! And oh! We definitely would be inviting our friends to see the goodness of God! Yays!
Pictures from last week's welcome partieeeeeee! This Week @ Detonate:
Yay! We are back for another Detonate service(: We will be screening 'At the End of the Spear', a moving film about one of the men of great faith Jim Elliot. May this film open our eyes to see the love of God so evident in this man for a primitive group that we would least get in contact with. So do come and be blessed! Also, we will gather for an intimate praise and worship with our God, our Strength:) So cya all at 4.45pm tmr! Ooo remember to join in our APPRECIATION MOVEMENT! Yays(:
Prayers From the Body:
Our secondary school and JC students are also busy in the midst of the upcoming mid year exams. Do pray for God's strength and joy to be upon them and may you guys excel academically for God's glory! No matter what the outcome is, we are proud of you for doing your best(: Cheeries peeps! It will be over soon! smileys.
Labels: excellence
Attn: Shopping time!
