appreciate = excel
Isn't it such a great shame when we do something that we have put loads of efforts in doing that we could have refuse to do but nobody notice or appreciate it? Have we ever feel we have done something for someone in vain because our work was not valued? I mean I do. Many times perhaps. And I'm pretty sure you do too. It hurts doesn't it?
'Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.' 1 Corinthians 15:58 To be frank, there are some instances that I do things with the mindset that 'Nevermind, no need to do so well because noone sees it anyway.' Consolation probably, but I know this would greatly hinder me in excelling in the work that I'm entrusted to and determine what kind of work I'll produce. Do you face the same thing too?
My dearly loved Detons, as what is written in 1 Corinthians 15, stand firm for you have never laboured in vain. Because the service is unto our King, and God has never ever despise the work that you've done for His kingdom and His people. So lift your spirits up and be joyful in the work of God(:
Let us also take initiatives to appreciate one another, those that have laboured, big or small ways. You really never know your words of encouragement can cause someone to put in their best in the work they are doing. Couldn't think of someone to encourage? The ushers who are faithfully welcoming people, who have to miss praise and worship; the worship team who have to put in extra efforts to practise on friday nights; the class reps who are coordinating details and communications behind the scenes...
No need for fancy or flattery words, but a heartfelt appreciation can turn Detonate into a ministry of excellent young people? Do you believe that? Join in the movement of appreciation today.
Look forward to!:
Youth camp 2008!! We thank God for that awesome time together last year and this year, we believe it will be a greater experience of fellowship, spiritual development and fun as we overcome our differences and fears! So book the dates now on your schedule: 9th to 12th June! Do sign up and hand up your passport issue and expiry dates to Brother Bernard ASAP!!!!!!!! Closing date is 2 more weeks!
May 2008!
Pictures from last week's welcome partieeeeeee!
This week @ Detonate:
We are back into DG this week! Yeap! We will be continuing where we left off so do remember to bring the worksheets that your teachers have painstakingly prepare. Take efforts to appreciate their work alrights! So cya guys at 4.45pm on Saturday for a time of praise and worship unto our God, our Righteousness(: enjoy your LABOUR DAY! Wee!
NOTE This Sunday's Main English service has officially changed to 10am, Golden Village Hall 5 Great World City! So if you're unsure please grab your leaders and ask what's going on!!!!
Prayers from the Body:
Do remember our university students as they continue in the midst of their examinations! May they honour God with their diligence and God will grant them good time management to handle their projects in the midst of preparing for their papers:) Cheeries peeps! It will soon be over! Our secondary school students are also busy preparing for the upcoming mid year exams as they hit the books. Do pray for God's strength and joy to be upon them and may you guys excel academically for God's glory! No matter what the outcome is, we are proud of you for doing your best(:Labels: excellence
You've got attitude!
Moving on with the theme of excellence, we wanna look into learning more about giving our best to God's ministry. As we have mentioned 2 weeks ago, we often wondered why our youth ministry cannot be as big or as strong as the other youth ministry we saw in conferences. We had evangelistic meetings, fellowship outings, anointed speakers to share with us, attended many conferences and discipleship classes but yet we see no significant different in our ministry. Many times it is due to our attitudes towards serving in our ministry. 'Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God' Romans 15:17 Take some time to ponder why do we come to church for, our purpose in spending and investing time in church. For musicians perhaps, we come just to play some music and leave thinking that we have done our part? Probably ushers come to fulfill their duties on their roster day so that your leader wouldn't come and bother you? And for the rest of the ministry, we come just to perform our role and then leave? No. This not the attitude of service. When we serve, we must have a goal in the end, and that is to glorify God and minister to people. That's why we are called a ministry. We give our all to God in service. Regardless whether you serve in big or small areas, they are important too. What matters is that we serve with our hearts and not as a routine. In all things you do, do it unto the Lord. We give God the best, not the spare time nor the spare energy we have. Then God will be pleased and will bless our ministry. Jesus gave His all to us when He die on the cross. Will we give Him our all? Look forward to!:
Youth camp 2008!! We thank God for that awesome time together last year and this year, we believe it will be a greater experience of fellowship, spiritual development and fun as we overcome our differences and fears! So book the dates now on your schedule: 9th to 12th June! Do sign up and hand up your passport issue and expiry dates to Brother Bernard ASAP!!!!!!!! Closing date is 1st week of May! This Week @ Detonate:
WELCOME PARTY(: Yes, its all fun, fellowship and more fun! It's for you guys out there who are stressed out by the upcoming exams and piling schoolwork! Yeap including YOUR FRIENDS as well! Yeap this saturday will be open to ALL (really! ALL!) peeps out there who loves fun(: If you wanna know more but don't know who to contact, do send in yr email to (prompt reply promised!). There will be a time of praise and worship to God, our Provider(: So cya all @ 4.45pm! Let's create a culture not to be late(: Prayers from the Body:
Hope you guys have already taken note that from May onwards, the church English main service on Sundays will be shifted to Great World City Golden Village Hall 5. Do keep the entire church in prayers! Let's not see this as a change, but a step of faith to grow our church:) Yeap! You play a part!
Do remember our university students as they prepare for their exams in the next 4 weeks! May they honour God with their diligence and God will grant them good time management to handle their projects in the midst of preparing for their papers:) Cheeries peeps! It will soon be over!Labels: excellence
We want you!
Right Here @ Detonate
April 19th, 5pm (Doors will be open at 4.15pm!) Zion Full Gospel Church, Level 2 44 Hoot Kiam Road
Buses from 1. Orchard MRT (Orchard Boulevard Exit): 14, 16, 65, 175 2. Far East Plaza (Just right outside!): 5, 54 Alight at Irwell Bank Road (Count and alight at second bus stop after boarding)
Buses from Tiong Bahru MRT (Just right in front!): 5, 16 Alight directly opposite church (One stop after Great World City)
Free entrance, Free food. And an eternal gift of salvation. Would you be with us on this special day?
 We are waiting for ya! <3
Labels: publicity
April 2008! Its out!
April 2008! New Theme: Growth in EXCELLENCE(:

*click below to d/l(:

Do remember our poly students too as they return back to school for a brand new year! All the best peeps! Labels: calendar
a branch with fruits
As we move on to the second quarter of the year, we will learn more about striving for excellence in whatever we do. Like Daniel who have strived for excellence in his place of service, we too should strive for the best in our ministry. For a start, we will learn about striving for excellence in our attitude towards God. We often wondered why our youth ministry cannot be as big or as strong as the other youth ministry we saw in conferences. We had evangelistic meetings, fellowship outings, anointed speakers to share with us, attended many conferences and discipleship classes but yet we see no significant different in our ministry. I believe this result is also due to our individual attitude towards God and ministry.
In our lives as God's children, we should have the seriousness towards our walk with God. It would really pain the heart of the Father if His children only come to Him when they are free to come as a routine every week. In our walk with God, we must always strive to move forward. What Brother Isaiah Fazilim shared with us last week was really ministering, especially the part where he shared about the different closeness the people in Jesus' time had with Him. For those who are not there, here's a summary: Of the 500 people who saw Jesus ascended to heaven, only 120 stayed back the upper room to prayed. Of the 20, only 77 went out to prayed the gospel. Of the 77, only 12 is Jesus own disciples. Of the 12, only 3 saw most of what Jesus has done, they are James, John and Peter. Of the 3, only 1 knows actually what Jesus wants to do, and he is John.
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." John 15:5-8
No matter which category of people you belong in, there is always somewhere to improve. If our walk with God is not a on-going one, it would definitely be one that is backsliding. Stop illusioning that everything is going well. Do something to improve your walk. Read His word and have constant fellowship with Him. Ask God to give you a passion and hunger for more of Him. Be serious in your walk. Be fruitful Christians for God.
Look forward to!:
Our first evangelistic outreach coming up on April 19th! We really wanna believe that God will change lives and Detonate(: Brother Andrew Yeo will be our speaker for this day! Even more will be revealed this Saturday during service. Would you be part of this great Detonate movement?
Youth camp 2008!! We thank God for that awesome time together last year and this year, we believe it will be a greater experience of fellowship, spiritual development and fun as we overcome our differences and fears! So book the dates now on your schedule: 9th to 12th June!
This Week @ Detonate:
DG is finally back! We have been missing it for a few sessions but nevertheless, it doesn't deter us from learning God's Word for us to develop an abundant life! Wee! Do remember to revise your previous DG topic for a quiz this Saturday! So cya all, at 4.45pm for a beautiful time of praise and worship unto our God, our Helper:) Also! We will be staying back after service to join hearts and strength to do something for our friends in our DGs:) We missed it last week but it's not an excuse! See it not as a time wasted, but a time invested.. for our friends.
Prayers from the Body:
Let's start praying for the work we will be doing these few weeks to prepare for the evangelistic outreach on April 19th! Not only for God to strengthen us in inviting our friends, but also in the follow-up and in dedicating our time investing into the lives of our new friends amongst us. Let's make a difference by standing in the gap, to love others like Jesus do.
Hope you guys have already taken note that from May onwards, the church English main service on Sundays will be shifted to Great World City Golden Village Hall 5. Do keep the entire church in prayers! Let's not see this as a change, but a step of faith to grow our church:) Yeap! You play a part!
Do remember our university students as they prepare for their exams in the next 4 weeks! May they honour God with their diligence and God will grant them good time management to handle their projects in the midst of preparing for their papers:) Cheeries peeps! It will soon be over!
Labels: excellence
its the 3D generation.
To excel somehow only connects with those who are smart or who are able to make use of their surroundings to do extraordinary things. Many of us feel that it is almost impossible for ourselves to be marked with excellence. But you can develop it! We don't have to look far for someone whom we can learn from. Daniel is one bible character who displayed excellence.
And in every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king inquired of them (Daniel and his 3 friends), he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters that were in all his kingdom.
Daniel 1:20
Daniel was a mere young man when he was brought into Babylon, the rising empire then. Amidst the huge difference in beliefs, Daniel was still able to display his worship to God. You could say that Daniel was able to excel because he was a 'youth without blemish, of good appearance and skilful in all wisdom, endowed with knowledge, understanding knowledge, and competent to stand in the king's palace.' (Daniel 1:4) Afterall, he was one of Israel's finest men brought into captivity to Babylon to benefit the empire. But see, it's not his cleverness that got him that far, it was because Daniel honoured God. Sister Mei Ling once shared in one service that Daniel honoured God through 3 distinctive manners: Determination, Dedication, and Dependence.
The test that Daniel faced was 'To Be One of Us'. It was about taking up the idoltry practice of Babylonians at that time or to lose your identity. Daniel's determination through keeping his stand, dedication through worship and prayer to God, and dependence through seeking God in humility had led him from one success to another. He was exalted, not because he boasted, but because he put God first and had a company of right friends who constantly encouraged him to walk in ways of the Lord.
It is a reality that life is not all smooth-sailing. We have to give up something in exchange for another (that's why we have to make choices!). We all wanna honour God. But how far are we willing to go? Take Daniel as an encouragement and a learning example.
Look forward to!:
Our first evangelistic outreach coming up on April 19th! We really wanna believe that God will change lives and Detonate(: Pastor Andrew Yeo will be our speaker for this day! Even more will be revealed this Saturday during service. Would you be part of this great Detonate movement?
Youth camp 2008!! We thank God for that awesome time together last year and this year, we believe it will be a greater experience of fellowship, spiritual development and fun as we overcome our differences and fears! So book the dates now on your schedule: 9th to 12th June!
April 2008 Calendar!
This Week @ Detonate:
We thank God for Isaiah Fazilim from Cornerstone church who has been a great blessing to us the previous time. And this week, he will be back delivering the word of God to challenge and encourage us! So be here at 4.45pm to join us on time for an intimate time of praise and worship onto our God, our Creator:) Also! We will be staying back after service to join hearts and strength to do something for our friends in our DGs:) See it not as a time wasted, but a time invested.. for our friends.
NOTE There will be an important meeting for all leaders, urshers and class reps at 2pm level 2. Please take note.
Prayers from the Body:
Let's start praying for the work we will be doing these few weeks to prepare for the evangelistic outreach on April 19th! Not only for God to strengthen us in inviting our friends, but also in the follow-up and in dedicating our time investing into the lives of our new friends amongst us. Let's make a difference by standing in the gap, to love others like Jesus do.
Hope you guys have already taken note that from May onwards, the church English main service on Sundays will be shifted to Great World City Golden Village Hall 5. Do keep the entire church in prayers! Let's not see this as a change, but a step of faith to grow our church:) Yeap! You play a part!Labels: excellence