Isn't it such a great shame when we do something that we have put loads of efforts in doing that we could have refuse to do but nobody notice or appreciate it? Have we ever feel we have done something for someone in vain because our work was not valued? I mean I do. Many times perhaps. And I'm pretty sure you do too. It hurts doesn't it?
'Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.'
1 Corinthians 15:58
To be frank, there are some instances that I do things with the mindset that 'Nevermind, no need to do so well because noone sees it anyway.' Consolation probably, but I know this would greatly hinder me in excelling in the work that I'm entrusted to and determine what kind of work I'll produce. Do you face the same thing too?
My dearly loved Detons, as what is written in 1 Corinthians 15, stand firm for you have never laboured in vain. Because the service is unto our King, and God has never ever despise the work that you've done for His kingdom and His people. So lift your spirits up and be joyful in the work of God(:
Let us also take initiatives to appreciate one another, those that have laboured, big or small ways. You really never know your words of encouragement can cause someone to put in their best in the work they are doing. Couldn't think of someone to encourage? The ushers who are faithfully welcoming people, who have to miss praise and worship; the worship team who have to put in extra efforts to practise on friday nights; the class reps who are coordinating details and communications behind the scenes...
No need for fancy or flattery words, but a heartfelt appreciation can turn Detonate into a ministry of excellent young people? Do you believe that? Join in the movement of appreciation today.
Look forward to!:
Youth camp 2008!! We thank God for that awesome time together last year and this year, we believe it will be a greater experience of fellowship, spiritual development and fun as we overcome our differences and fears! So book the dates now on your schedule: 9th to 12th June! Do sign up and hand up your passport issue and expiry dates to Brother Bernard ASAP!!!!!!!! Closing date is 2 more weeks!
May 2008!
Pictures from last week's welcome partieeeeeee!
This week @ Detonate:
We are back into DG this week! Yeap! We will be continuing where we left off so do remember to bring the worksheets that your teachers have painstakingly prepare. Take efforts to appreciate their work alrights! So cya guys at 4.45pm on Saturday for a time of praise and worship unto our God, our Righteousness(: enjoy your LABOUR DAY! Wee!
NOTEThis Sunday's Main English service has officially changed to 10am, Golden Village Hall 5 Great World City! So if you're unsure please grab your leaders and ask what's going on!!!!
Prayers from the Body:
Do remember our university students as they continue in the midst of their examinations! May they honour God with their diligence and God will grant them good time management to handle their projects in the midst of preparing for their papers:) Cheeries peeps! It will soon be over! Our secondary school students are also busy preparing for the upcoming mid year exams as they hit the books. Do pray for God's strength and joy to be upon them and may you guys excel academically for God's glory! No matter what the outcome is, we are proud of you for doing your best(: