Here's a story that I read recently which is very meaningful and can be very true at times. It may take you some time to understand so do read it carefully. Once there is a lady who is going to be late for work. Being stressed-out, she tailgates a man, hoping to overtake him after the next junction. As they approach the traffic lights, the man slowed to a stop at a yellow light. Being frustrated, the woman hit the horn, cussing and screaming and gesturing angrily. As she was still in midrant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face, exiting the car with her hands up. He took her to the police station and placed her in a holding cell.
An hour later, the officer returned and said, "I'm sorry, Madam. This has been a big mistake. When I pulled up behind you, I noticed your "What Would Jesus Do?"license plate holder and your "Follow Me to Sunday School" bumper sticker. I assumed the car is stolen!"
Many a times we have Christian stickers all over our books, goes for Sunday service, wear a cross upon our neck and many other things to tell people that we are christians. However, our behaviour shows otherwise. People don't care whether we are christians or not, what they really see is what we do. These are the things that can really impact them.
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven"
Matthew 5:16
Let us strive to have a christlike character. Let people see that we, as God's children, are different from the world. Let us reflect Jesus in whatever we do. Let the fruit of the Spirit be shown in our lives.
Look forward to!:
`Our first Baptism in 2008! We wanna be there to celebrate with Brother Zen in this history-making moment:) Start inviting your friends to our BBQ night that very same day! There will be a one-way shuttle bus from church to ECP so be there in the morning for a whole day of fun! Let's not just come during the evening to satisfy our own physical hunger, but be part of the Detonate movement to satisfy the desires of the Body of Christ:)
This Week @ Detonate:
Yes! We are back for a session of building disciples! DG is on for this Saturday, after a great time of praise and worship:) Do remember to bring your respective worksheets for your various topical classes and oh! There is a quiz for each class at the end of the session! Let's do it wholeheartedly, in the spirit of being more Christ-like. So cya at 4.45pm!
Prayers from the Body:
We want to keep the Missions team (ChenQiaolin ChanJialing EricChua BernardTay IanChew JoshuaTay IvyYeo KenChew) in prayers as they go up to Cebu, Philippines to do the work of our Lord. We thank God for their willing hearts and this opportunity to be available. May their hearts be filled with unceasing compassion and joy that will be a blessing to those who are distant from God. All the way brothers and sisters!
Do keep the Baptism cum BBQ committee in prayers and they work heart and soul for this event on March 21! We trust that God will use them to bring about much joy and courage in doing what they are doing. Let's be encouraging by rendering our support to them:) Keep up the good spirit guys!