Good Friday is a day of mixed feelings for me. HURT, because the Father lets go of His Son to die for a whole world of sins. LONELINESS, because of what Jesus felt at Gethsemane. JUBILANT, because of the new hope given to all. THANKFUL, for the sacrifice paid by Him who laid down His life.
And so, we live to worship You. Be glorified.
Look forward to!:
YOUTH CAMP '09ANSWER THE CALL! Wow, this camp is gonna be life-changing! Imagine we discovering God's call upon our lives and to take up faith and obedience! Incredible! So sign up with sister lydia now!
This Week @ Detonate:
Our familiar friend Glenn Lim will be here both this saturday and next to share with us God's Word. May God inspire us through him and open our eyes to understand more things than we have ever known! So cya all at 4.45pm for a great time of praise and worship!