thank God for the awesome reunion dinner we had! this is our very first time in detonate history to have steamboat dinner at our rooftop:) the fellowship under the night sky was irreplacable:)
Hurray to our reunion dinner:) to get our brain juices working before the feast:) Before After
Look forward to!:
LOVE FEST! gonna spread the love:) It will be on Valentine's Day, 14th February at Spring Grove clubhouse. If you are unsure how to get there, there will be alternative arrangements for you:) Organisers encourages us to be in formal wear, so do make a point to dress up a lil'!
This Week @ Detonate:
Our own brother Edward Ong will be with at our Detonate youth service to share with us our first theme of this year: Honouring God. So cya for a time of prayer for our schools at 4.45pm before service offically starts at 5pm!